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My Big Little Brother

A member registered Feb 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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No, sorry.

To do so, you need to complete Uzumaki's story line. (There should be a tip suggesting that you do this).
If you have and still can't access the event then it's not available in the most recent public version.

Hello, the game is playable on either - you'd just download the appropriate file and give it a try.

It's all directly listed in the brand new, in-game changelog.


I think you misread the post.

Files larger than 2 GB will never run without this message appearing unless they are "signed". Currently, the game is not *signed*.

That means, no matter what, you would need to use Joi Play to run the game.

If you were using Joi Play then you wouldn't be getting this message so I'd recommend trying that. The only other option is to play on PC.

No problem, happy to help


(1 edit)

Edit: Sorry, for some reason I thought this comment was posted under "Those Golden Days".

Correct, the only difference between the public and paid version of the game currently is that the public version won't be updated for quite some time.

The paid version gets updated each time the project does.

The reason for this is due to fixing some errors and improving some things. 

Already downloaded the Android IDE (development environment) earlier.
I'm slowly looking at the method to sign the app, I found a few things that say it's only a 4-5 step process.

We'll see, I'll give it a try when I'm able.

I've tried the methods and from what I see Android will be patching those apps soon. 
So it makes sense to go through official channels, I just need to spend some time learning how to do it.

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Thanks, I'm working on it

Change the settings on your android phone - you need to allow unknown apps to run.

(1 edit)

Okay, thanks. I'll sort that out.Edit: Fixed and patched.

Yea, it's hard to explain to some people and even then - they don't really accept it. I just kinda do my thing and don't worry about it too much.  I am thankful for the people who do understand, like yourself! 

Yea. When version 9 releases - the next update for Patrons. 

No.  That's correct.

The paid version is a 1 time purchase that allows you to get all future updates at no additional cost.

Currently, the game had a great deal of QOL improvements and technical updates and fixes in the past year. It became impossible to fix those for the public without doing a ton of extra work to "roll back" versions.

So, for now the content is the same in both games.  Coming updates will set it back to normal - this is the easiest way for me to do it.

Translation requires a lot of manual input for me right now, since I'm solo.
When I have money to spare, I may hire someone to do it. For right now it's a planned feature.

Gonna add it to Steam eventually

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I wouldn't consider it early access persay.
The game's "engine" is done. The price won't be increasing (I don't have any plans to increase it anyway).

New additions come by way of story events and new girls to have fun with.

My user name is a reference to a male's "little brother",  penis.

You still get the benefits, the alerts are just inaccurate.
I fixed that in a later version.

Hello. Not in this version of the game.

Thanks, I've still got a lot to work on, but I'm slowly getting there.

Thanks, yes I agree. I've been doing that a lot more lately. It's paying off!

Thanks, also check this out:

Hello, thanks for the compliment.
Those girls (Mai, Sylphie and Yenay) are the only ones.

Thanks, I hope to get rid of it soon. I pray it hasn't advanced that far yet - otherwise it will be a lot more costly than I believed at first.

Thanks, I appreciate the vote of confidence

Yep, it's a 1 time purchase and as more versions of the game are released the price is only going to increase.
Also, each purchase helps prevent my death, so there's that.

Right click > Preferences to adjust volume.

Hello, not yet!

Thanks, compliments appreciated.
And - yes, one of the fixes for the problem you mentioned is an update to your phone's operating system.

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I agree, i should probably remove the mobile version altogether. It's not meant to be a mobile game and the hassle is giving me headaches.
Those other games also have a lot more financial support and help than I do. At the end of the day, it's probably best for me to just cut the mobile support until I can *properly* offer it.

But to answer your concerns, you probably just need to update your Android OS.

It's a bit unpolished as of the latest public versions, but yes - turn based.

Quick google search reveals this:

I've not read Reverend Insanity (yet), so I can't say it's based on anything really. I just had an idea one day!

One step at a time!