Phenomenal game! This horror game took a basic horror story line and made it their own while working in Filipino culture, including language and some traditions which I greatly appreciated getting to immerse myself in. The detail orientation on a simple indie game is something to be proud of. I love the twist to this game and it actually got me on some of the scares.
Recent community posts
SUCH A FUN DEMO! I fumbled around for awhile, as I was learning the game - I do recommend there maybe a 'training day' for the full game for dumdums such as myself, but overall a fantastic game that I look forward doing a full playthrough of. The build of dread is great, the cat is purrfect and the scares are adrenaline inducing. I cannot recommend this game enough!
For a quick Game Jam game, this one is really fun and plays into the cutesy, silly, horror style. I'd love to see more of the mechanics fleshed out and even a little more suspense built out as the player searches for coins - just so it feels more like there is a reason to coin hunt instead of a time filler. The sounds are great and builds the ambiance but would like an option in the setting to adjust volume. Great work and would love to see more!
This game does take some serious inspiration from Fears to Fathom and I would say a dash of a Haunted House cleaning simulator. It is a fun short game that you can be silly with. I would recommend adding an autosave folder with there being multiple endings, otherwise you do have to go through the whole game twice. If you are to do that, I'd offer other things for the player to do through out the game play to make it worthwhile instead of speed running through it. Thank you for making a fun game
.A fun short horror game. The storyline is fun and I'd love to see it be leaned on a little more to get the spooky reveal. My only critique is the puzzle in the game throws you a bit out of the scary element, clean this up and you will have a solid horror game.
Love, love, LOVED seeing Hamtaro becoming the little master chef that he is and developing very /close/ relationships with his friends around the totally and completely safe village. I DEFINITELY don't feel like I was the accomplice to anything except having fun obviously!
This is a fun short horror game that gives animal crossing meets nightmares kind of art style. The cameras are not adjustable so it does take some time to get use to. I would love to see more of the lore within this game but overall is very fun with a satisfying ending
.I LOVE the concept of this game! For a demo it gives me a really good idea of what to expect from a full play through and I am very excited for that. I recommend a little clarity as there were instructions that did not follow through the whole game, but it is such a small blip that it did not hinder the game play. Overall fun game with an exciting concept.
This is a fun quick play indie game, there are definitely some hints of story telling within the game that give a nice subtle nod which is hard to do in such a short game. DPG did a great job in working in the atmosphere that was given and even has a few solid scares within. Hope y'all have fun!
FANTASTIC game! It definitely got the right feel for obscure, cheery but unsettling. Taking a simple game concept (ring toss) and making it into something eerie is a very fun twist with it's own flavor of quirky horror is outstanding. Thank you game dev for making such a fun game
.This is a fun quick game with a wonderful open world. I really love the idea of actually searching for a mimic (so title is accurate to the game haha). What I would love to see more of in this is perhaps see (or think I see) the mimic from time to time, leave me guessing on edge. Overall a great game and can't wait to see more.
Dye the Bunny 2 (Demo) is a fun quirky Easter themed horror game. Everything you could ask for in a scary Easter game. I will assume there is more story clarification in the full game, the demo does a good job of giving you feel for what this game is about and adds intrigue to want to know more about this twisted world. Definitely worth the play!
Does exactly what a horror game is suppose to make you do! Makes you scared to progress but you have to push through. For a 'simple game' it does so much and really makes the SCP and horror genre work for them. It's a quick demo at roughly 10 minutes and definitely worth it. I am excited to a see full launch of this game.
This game is fantastic and does a great twist on the Papers, Please game style with a playful horror element. Every time I run the game, I get something new and eager to see what else it has to offer. I look forward to an update of this game where some hidden 'lore' (for lack of better word) comes into play. I will note that this game is currently not compatible with Mac or Linux, so be aware if you are interested in purchasing. However, this dev seems to be daily updates so keep an eye out! It is definitely worth the play and see if you can spot the Doppleganger.
An amazing game made by a very talented individual. It is fun, silly and eerie all in one go. Definitely worth the download and trying to get every outcome possible. My only wish is for MORE endings because the one Vidas has are so gooood!! This game for sure shows how dating can be a true nightmare.
This game is so much fun with some really solid puzzles. I loved the overall premise. The personality of the characters really shine which is hard to do in horror games and you end up growing fondness to some of these demented creatures. There were a few points that I got a bit stuck and a little more direction of what to do would definitely help, but in no means does it make the game unplayable and is still a very enjoyable experience. Mad props to the creator, I can't wait to see what else you will make. This game is truly a dollhouse of terrors.
Solid game that becomes sneakily addicting. The horror of this game is really subtle but in the best unsettling way. Something about the visuals and animation in the game can really put you on edge like that you are actually in a game of high stakes roulette. Buckshot Roulette really has something going for it and I am here for it.
The puzzles in this game are sooooo good! PLUS they all make complete sense with the story involved. Job well done on this game and that ending got me with my jaw on the floor. Can't wait to see what more the creator comes up with. Last Seen Online
I am BEYOND stoke for the full playthrough. This game is easily one of the best horror demos I have played in awhile. I love the premise and brings unique twist to the Layers of Fear vibe. Love it. Love it. Love it.Dead Faces Prologue Demo | SCARIEST demo EVER