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A member registered Jan 01, 2017

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Hi ! I haven't been on for a while, I've missed a lot ! :( I don't think I'm qualified to give advice on the matter so I will only say this : listen to yourself and your intuition, only you know what's best for you ^^ You're an awesome person, please take care of you ! :)

Hello ! Thank you so much for picking my question, sorry, I wasn't very specific, loved the answer :)

For your red shoes, all I can say is : try to get a pair that won't hurt your feet ? It's always when you're looking for something specific that you're finding it...

I'm glad your laptop is working ! Yes reinstalling is a big thing, you have to save all your work elsewhere... In my opinion, if it works, better not do it.

Hello! I am one of your silent followers, but I read that you have warm and sunny days in Indonesia and it made me smile because I live in the North of France and right now it's really cold and rainy! So if you want I can send you some clouds! :)

For the MacBook charger, maybe it’s because it’s already very hot? I’m far from an expert but maybe it’s the laptop fan?

While I’m sending you a comment, I want to say thank you for your games, and I admire you because you draw, write and program everything by yourself, and it’s really impressive!
Maybe I have a question for the bachelors, if you don’t mind, I don’t know if it’s ever been asked, how would they deal with a shy person who’s a little bit closed off?

That would be awesome! Especially now that I know that a romance with the Director is possible, I would love to see this ! <3

I'm a sucker for romance with age gap, especially if it's you who write it, you manage to make the characters endearing and the alchemy between the MC and the LI is subtle and well rendered. I can't wait to see if that goal will be unlocked or added as paid DLC !

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I've just finished the demo and so far so good ! I love it ! The art is gorgeous, and the sprites are animated (I love seeing Kai's ears pop up, that's so cute !).

The writing is really good, I actually thought the LIs would be just stereotypes, and they are not, they are likeable and endearing, I don't know with which one I will start with ! The one I liked the least is now my favorite. <3

Stats-rising tend to annoy me because you absolutely have to pass certain "tests" to have the right endings, so you end up playing with a soluce or repeat 10 times the same week, but it's not the case here, it won't affect your relations, and that's a relief.

A fourth route with Rheala would be great, I would love to know more about her, and she has a great personnality and beautiful allure, and if I understand what she says the right way, she apparently prefers girls ?

The only thing that would sadden me would be that the game is only 12 weeks long and stops after the Council test. That's too short, I need more please ! :D

Thank you for this game, I'll stop rambling now ;)

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Hello! First, thank you for the demo, I really like your game! I like the story, it really got me wondering what is going on.
All the characters are fully fleshed out and likeable. I kind of ship Fujisa and Teru... And I totally love Haruto <3 So crazy, so cute! And Cry looks more like a girl than a boy to me... Maybe it will be revealed who they are too? I'm so curious! And who is the girl on the game cover ? So many mysteries !
I do hope we can - fundamentally - change the character of Kairi like you announced, because he's such an as**ole...
And the passage with the French food was so funny, I'm french so it was super easy for me :)
I really like the music too! Really like the song when he's in the club or in his bedroom.
I'm curious about the other characters and love interests as well as our "persuasion" power... If I get it right, using them is considered "bad", right? And to finish I do hope we will find...


... Our little sister.

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Hello !
Are there any aspects that really interest you? All the characters are interesting, the lore is fleshed out and I want to know what happened to Dere.
Are there any aspects that you feel detract from interest? Maybe the classroom part. What we learn about the lore and the way it’s introduced is a good idea but it’s a little dense.
What was your impression of the demo overall? Wanted more!
Did this page present the demo well? Not bad!
Did you find any glitches or bugs that need to be addressed? Lana’s picture is sometime too high, you can see the background where her legs should be. Every now and then - for exemple the scene with the tank booth, or when Dere go to the back alley of the market (scene with Davis) - the characters overlap each other instead of disappearing.
Would you desire or consider helping to fund a kick-starter in relation to this game? Yes.
Any other comments, questions, or feedback?
So the best friends can be Alyth, Lana ou Casidra? I don’t see how Lana could become a friend with your character…
We can date our half-brother?! Ewwwww, no.
Thaddeus’ face on the artwork is kind of strange.
Odryn’s art sometime has black spots.
Can we be friends with everyone or you need to focus on one person to get on their friendship route?
They are some mispells and fatal error, but nothing really bad.

Sorry for the mispells, I'm French. Good luck on your game, I can see that you put a lot of effort on it! I will come back to check the improvements often ;)