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A member registered Aug 04, 2021

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I followed the walkthrough and bought the pendant, still died on the ship for some reason

The game is amazing and Nova is my fav character but i keep on dying on the space part even after buying the pendant and playing the whole game again in order to survive that part

I would like to pass the game without dying so any help or tip would be welcomed

Android user here, again

I ended up moving all the 16k images to the safe folder but the game couldn't detect them so that doesn't work, i did all the unzip progress all over again but the images are still in my gallery and i can't really hide them in my phone, so i'm kinda stuck with 16k images from the game in my gallery

Any solution? Please :D

Hey, i have 16-20 hours or so in the game and i'm loving it!

I'm an android user so

I had a bunch of problems which i had to fix myself since there was no info in the forum, per example:

When unpacking the game, all the 21k pictures or so appeared in my gallery and when looking images at Discord i was flooded with images of the game, my temporal solution was putting them all in a safe folder (phone: Android A32)

Also JoiPlay stopped workin' and i had to use the Beta tester to make the game work again, not a big deal but it was weird

My major problem at the moment is the gallery stuff so if someone has a solution please tell me :D