So, in my experience, 1 GM and probably 2-6 players, but the sweet spot is at about 3 players.
Mynar Lenahan
Creator of
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That sounds delightful! I'm glad you had such a fun time with it, especially with it being your first time playing a TTRPG! So congratulations!
And honestly, my policy with changing rules on the fly is that you should absolutely feel free. TTRPGs are a collaboration, after all, so when running it at a table with friends, its really your game as much as it is mine. That said, these are some really interesting modifications and I'm glad you commented so that future players can take inspiration!
Thank you so much! Actually, to do some unrepentant self-promo, I did actually write an unofficial Brindlewood Bay mystery, The Mavens Stop A Presidential Assassination, in which the Mavens can decide the future of America by how they solve the mystery.
But also, the trick is that you can ALWAYS just frame terrible people in your TTRPGs...
I wrote a fan supplement for this!
This game rules. I've never really played a tabletop game that felt so strongly like a narrative rogue-like, and I absolutely loved the legacy mechanic, which again, is something I haven't seen in other TTRPGs. I talked about playing it on a podcast, since I have one of those now, but this is a really interesting piece of design and a fun game.
This looks incredible. I'm extremely excited to play this and love the little differences between this game and blades. You have to visit your stash to take out money from it? Every ship has a Crew by default (because of course it does)? You can play on a Ghost Ship? All amazing and cool things! Really loving the work that went into this!