The Mysterious Developer
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This is the place to post any Custom Content you want to share!
Please post it as a Shared Google Drive link, and make sure to keep Factions, Maps, Scenarios and Rank Presets in separate folders - they all have the same file extension!
Of course, I'm sure you understand the risks of downloading random files being shared on the internet - I take no responsibility if they're viruses (but do report to me any submissions that are - they'll be removed ASAP).
If there are any submissions that I particularly like, I'll put them linked in this post (since I tested them myself, they should be a bit safer, but still no guarantees).
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Bella Factionum is a simple (currently) Real Time Strategy game, where you play as Factions, sending Squads to Points, in order to destroy other Factions. Each Faction is balanced with a mandatory Strength and Weakness, and each Point has its own advantage (e.g. Bases produce Squads). Furthermore, each Faction also has an ability.
Here's my favorite ability, Bombardment:

A main tenet of Bella Factionum is its high customization - you can create your own Factions (with a Strength, Weakness, Ability, Color and also a Symbol), Maps for them to Fight in, and also Scenarios, where you can place specific Factions at Specific Points. You can also customize Gamerules to your liking (e.g. you can turn off Abilities or limit the number of Squads a Faction has)
Bella Factionum comes with 7 Premade Factions, 2 Premade Maps and 2 Premade Scenarios.
Cool game!
Some feedback, if I may:
1. At the start of the game, there's a typo - the Submit button says "Sumbit"
2. Even though I figured it out on my own (Q), throwing away items was not in the Controls, so maybe adding that would help future players
Otherwise pretty nice game, I hope you keep working on it and making it unique!
I see the game is in development - what sort of stuff do you plan on adding (if it's not a secret)?
Either way, keep up the good work :)
I like this charming little game! The pixel art aesthetic is awesome, and the subtle movements of characters really make it pop!
If I may, here's a few suggestions:
1. The music, while great, was a bit loud, making it difficult to hear the sound effects (which are nice!)
2. It's a bit hard to guess when the Nightmare Knight is swinging - sure, you can block while he's swinging, but there's no way to know when he starts swinging. Maybe add some kind of indicator before it swings? (e.g. it turns red or something)
3. The same slight issue is with the Nightmare Knight dashing - you can't predict when he'll dash, and when he does, given how fast he is, it's basically a life lost because he's nearly impossible to dodge - an indicator before he dashes would be nice
4. I'm not sure if that's intentional, but when I dash, I only dash downwards, so I don't really use the dash
5. A really minor thing that has no impact on gameplay, but maybe the direction of the knight horse character can change depending on where you're moving? Currently, he only ever looks right.
Other than these nitpicks of mine, this is a really cool little game!
Do you intend to keep working on it? What sort of features would you want to add?
Keep up the great work either way!
This is a really cool idea!
I love that you made everything customizable!
If I may, here are a few possible improvements you could make:
1. One thing I noticed is that the same music track loops over and over - it would be cool if you could, when one music track finishes, play the next one (randomly or not, up to you)
2. Also, in the Readme, it says your status indicators are in the top-right, but they're in the top-left - should be a quick fix :)
3. I'm not sure if Increasing Hunger by Eating makes sense - maybe you can rename it to "Satiation" or something, or otherwise make hunger go down when eating?
These are mostly nitpicks, but I like the idea, and there's definitely a charm to this game!
I'm looking forward to seeing what you add next - if you like, you can inform me when you make new content, I would be interested in trying it out :)
If it's not a secret, what do you intend to add?
Well, you can congratulate me - I have finally exceeded 100 floors after all these months! Your game is absolutely fantastic, and has been my go-to for procrastinating on developing my own games various things. I don't know why I liked it so much, but I did, a lot!
So, great job - keep on making awesome games, and destroy your competition by making them procrastinate with your games!