Oh my gosh this is a huge update! I love it :D
Needed the RPG Maker 2003 RTP - obvious to people who play RPG Maker games but could be worth putting in the FAQ :) - along with a specific link, as for some reason the first one I downloaded only half worked and I couldn't press any buttons
Quick play and scrambled mode - what great ideas!
The opening cutscene version - the opening with the harsh static is quite unpleasant, it could be worth having a longer loop and fading it in or something so it doesn't hurt as much.
You've put so much work in updating the supporters screen, it looks great and doesn't go on for ages!
Maybe I'm dumb but knowing you need to jump the desk may not be super obvious to new players.
Intro is good and fun, various things have had their timings improved, ghost miniquest is very clear, combat is much faster paced and more fun! Run speed seems good!
Omg though, echoing to try and learn a skill can be p a i n f u l sometimes, might be worth making the % chance higher or increase cumulatively. Getting Vibe the first time is a real luck of the draw, and I've not been able to learn Distortion at all despite 40+ attempts (if you can't learn it, maybe just add a box saying "Can't learn this skill" after you cast it, but I assume the chance is just really low).
In the room with the fire slimes I found the Save command for the menu, but I already had it?
The different rocks changing your abilities is a cool idea!
Good work :)