Hey there, this is a really cool game! Thanks for posting this gem for free. I'm looking forward to your next projects.
Recent community posts
Sweet, a new update. It's nice to get more anime ENF events, I've been enjoying them. It's been quite good to get new characters too, I like what you are doing with Yuka and have hopes for Remi (she looks fun) and even the Demon Queen(!).
Now for some game critique: The further you go with this story the more you are going to need a chapter select system of some kind. I accidentally lost my old saves and it's kind of tedious to play through the whole game for one new chapter. The combat being janky or clunky is about as nice of a way that I can put it, at this point in time it feels like a time waster and more a take-away then a boon. Every time I play I feel like it would be better to either a) stay pure stealth or b) go full action game. Like go for knock out blows with enemy back facing you, that sort of thing. Just a minor nit-pick on my end there.
I found a bug at the cemetery where the game doesn't let you in if too many quests are done. For me I just completed the cat quest then the plant quest, realized I didn't do the old mans quest with the weeds and bam, the game says you can't go back. It was a kind of feels bad because I had to reload a chapter 3 save to get that last chest.
All the best with future updates, I look forward to every one!