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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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(3 edits)

I would recommend taking a crash course in how the progression of game difficulty should properly be applied, because that was some of the most ridiculous boss attack patterns, right out the gate.

Also, as others have stated: I concur. Those Special Stages are horribly painful to play. Everything moves far too fast, and you have a split second to react to ANY Rings that appear on screen. The amount present within each Special Stage is not the factor.

Spikes everywhere, enemies appearing on screen immediately in your path hurting you before you even have a moment to react (and often with terrible-to-haphazard placement)

Some decent spritework here, and the levels at least feel somewhat like they belong in a proper 2D Sonic game, but the overall balance is borderline Kaizo levels of bulls---.


Can't even download it.


Genesis shares the same "end" animation as Vergence when losing to Mimic, resulting in "oops, accidental cock&ball"

Ah, alright, thanks for filling me in. Looking forward to trying it out.

There's nothing coming up on the "Install" option. It should normally detect the file and have it appear here.

The drop-down shows nothing as well.

Windows 8.1

8 GB RAM, 64 bit OS

Something about the latest update just... broke the game.

When using Mouse & Keyboard, trying to use a held object yields no response. Resetting all controls/switching to a different key, did not fix the issue.

Kobold interactions are all messed up as well. As in, "spines don't work that way" messed up.

So, what does this mean for the future of KoboldKare?

Sounds like a real "you" problem

Brilliant in concept

Bullshit by design

Unfortunately, I personally haven't played enough of the game to reach this point of interaction with that NPC, so I don't really have any answer for you on that. Sorry :\

I can see that this game does have some minor controller support, but it's not very well optimized. ....or very practical.

Will there be plans in the future to flesh it out a bit more? I.E. being able to navigate menus, interact/command NPCs, etc.? Also, adjusting camera sensitivity would be nice.

(1 edit)

You can feed the fish Worms and if you keep doing so, it may reward you.

Go to the table in the Safehouse, and "Tinker with items"

Select the fish, and then the worms.

If this game is going to have any big places to explore like that crystal cave in the future, then either the day/night cycle will need to be extended a little, or that "sleep or die" gimmick needs to go...

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