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Mythical City Games

A member registered Jun 13, 2015 · View creator page →

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No sorry, it's a VR only game :)

Thanks! Glad you like it!

Thanks! Let me know your feedback if you have a chance to try it.

Ok cool, we just fixed that and put up a new build with more sensitive zoom :)

Thanks for trying it! Do you mean the movement or zoom sensitivity?

ORKZ blends tower defense with RTS to keep the meat wave assaults at bay. As an early prototype, we're eager for your feedback to make 'ORKZ' even more engaging and entertaining. We'd love to turn this into a fully fledged strategy game.

Try the game for free:

This early version features:

  • 2 waves of enemies
  • single map
  • enemy infantry, an APC and an old soviet tank
  • place machine gun team, ATGM team or mines
  • launch artillery and FPV drone strikes

Let us know what you think and if we should turn this into a full game. 

- Mythical City Games

Join the frosty fun in Snow Fortress: RUSH! This single-player game, inspired by our VR title "Snow Fortress 2", flips the script. You're not fighting against the snowmen this time; you are the snowman! Embark on a chilly adventure in a picturesque winter landscape, where your mission is simple: bring down the enemy fortress.

Try the game for FREE in your browser:

What makes this game special? It's an example of game development using Unity, guided by ChatGPT and generative AI. "Snow Fortress: RUSH" is part of our unique tutorial series, demonstrating how AI can be used in game development. The series is aimed at newcomers to game dev as well as aspiring indie devs, but many of the tips apply to seasoned pros too. 

Tutorial Series:

Remember, this is just the beginning. As we progress with our tutorial series, expect updates and new features. Best of all, it's free! Dive into this adorable mini-game and discover the possibilities of AI-assisted game development.

Today, we present to you a universe of possibilities, quite literally! Welcome to the early access prototype of "Galactic Encyclopedia" - a new canvas in the cosmos! 

This isn't just a game, but a seed, from which countless stories and adventures can sprout. Here, you'll find a galaxy brimming with stars, each one a unique world waiting for you to breathe life into it with civilizations and lore. With a gentle nudge from our generative AI, weave the tapestry of alien societies and etch their stories into the stars. ✨👽

"Galactic Encyclopedia" is crafted for those who love world-building. The civilizations you birth today might just be the tapestry against which epic games and stories unfold tomorrow.

Awesome, great to see other studios experimenting with groundbreaking AI tech :)

(2 edits)

We're thrilled to announce the early access release of our latest experimental game, DateQuest. Here's a chance to venture into a unique and unscripted dating simulation universe.

DateQuest is not your average dating sim. It's a place where love interests aren't scripted characters, but AI-driven personas who respond in real-time to your text chats. Here, you're just a keystroke away from romancing historical figures, spies, astronauts, and treasure hunters. And let's not forget the mysterious stranger hidden amongst your potential dates.

As this is an early access and experimental release, we're providing the game free of charge for a limited time. But do remember, maintaining and running these AI-driven characters has its costs, so this won't last forever.

Your participation and feedback will be essential in determining the future of DateQuest and helping us refine the user experience. Whether it evolves into a full game or remains an intriguing experiment, your engagement will make a difference.

And if you've enjoyed the game or are curious about our other experimental projects, we invite you to sign up for our Expeditions Guild Patreon at Here, you'll have early access to all our upcoming experiments and will play a key role in shaping the future of our games.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with us. We're excited to hear your feedback. Happy questing!

Are you having problems getting it to run on the Quest? Community » » butler · Created a new topic OSX Catalina

Hi, I tried the butler install instructions to add it to the PATH in OSX but it never worked when I added it to bash_profile, but it did work when I added it to a file called .zshrc

As per these instructions:

If you are using MAC Catalina you need to update the .zshrc file instead of .bash_profile or .profile

Thank you for the great feedback! Glad to hear you like the game. I'll take a look at the ammo system. The idea is that if we expand on the game we would take a look at the balance of ammo drops and add more complex survival systems. It all depends a bit on budget before we can go too far into development beyond just this test version. 

Hi everyone! We've just ported our Christmas tree balancing game Tippy Tree to VR and made it free on Itch for the holidays.

If you have a Vive, Rift or Windows MR headset then grab the game and let us know what you think. The goal is to decorate your tree without tipping it over, a perfect holiday family experience. Tippy Tree supports room-scale and standing VR. 

Multiplayer is 1v1, potentially support for more players might be added in the future but it won't be for a long time.