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A member registered Jan 12, 2023

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I dont see that it does actually add an realism. If anything, the way the MC acts makes me wonder if the Dev is a woman who has never really known a man emotionally. The character started off as someone you could feel sympathetic for but as the story has progressed, you just come to despise him as a weak subservient individual.

(1 edit)

A decent game. One thing about it though that I strongly dislike is the dream sequences. They started out at first being a good way to fill in some backstory. But they quickly just turned stupid and detract from the story just to throw a little more T&A into the game. They hurt the story.

The MC lack of balls or a spine also can get rather annoying at times. The story sets up like a a guy who has had a rough go at it who you can feel a bit of sympathy for but as you get into it you realize hes just a pushover who has never had the balls to do go after what he wants and never had the spine to stand up for himself when other use abuse or manipulate him.

My whole ability to enjoy an AVN is my ability to immerse myself in the story. I appreciate stories for the art but it bore quickly with any that are just a parade of women. Sir Damned, caribdis and clever anem games are good at this.

Well good luck dude and remember my advice just in case.

I was with my EX for 11 years and she had a PhD in psychology although her focus was working with children, she ended up doing a lot of work on the criminal side and so I picked up a ton from her and reading the stuff she always had laying around. Talking about the quirks of psychology was a common pastime with us.
   As far as stepsiblings. It's a bit of a cross. It's a taboo that's not natural. If you break it down a step sibling is an unrelated person who you have lived possibly lived with but who has been a part of your life. No different than a close friend. Sometimes romantic emotions happen. A psychologist would be able to better explain this and if it bothers you, id recommend talking to one. The niece is a bit of a different story as there is a blood relation there so there's going to be a bit of emotional conflict there. But considering relations with a Niece is legal in most of Africa the middle east and southern Asia its obviously kind of a borderline area. Again, I'd recommend seeing a psychologist if it becomes too much of an issue that you either believe you might act on it or it affects your emotional stability.
   Games are in interesting and still understudied possible tool for dealing it with. There are studied going on now that are looking at using games as a means of helping people with urges that fall outside of legal and social rules. Look no forth then the amount of loli, incest and landlord/tenant games on here and other game sites.

But again, considering seeing a psychologist. 15 years ago I started seeing one for my PTSD and i know it can be rough especially with the stigma that goes with seeing one but its better to get help if you need it than get taxed beyond your strength and have your life affected negatively about it. Or worse do something that might hurt someone else or land you in jail.

College Kings is probably the best and is in the running for my favorite AVN The story isn't as developed as Being a DIK but I enjoy the characters more. Fresh Women isnt that bad about it at least there is a spectrum instead of everything looking oversized.

lol IKR ive found a few but they are few and far between.

I absolutely prefer more realistic looking women in AVNs and the VNs were it gets cartoonish I have little interest in. Inflated assets, loli, all the other crap like that i find boring as far as ability to immerse myself in a story.

Psychologist specializing in sexual attractions would disagree with you. Ephebophilia is common enough to be considered normal for society and is the most common age related. Ephebophilia is attraction to persons who have gone through puberty (typically 15-21 years old depending on sex and the onset of puberty) but have not physically matured. i.e sexually mature but not physically mature. And yes, the psychology of attraction is an interesting and at times disturbing. Part of it comes with the human brain being hardwired to breed as is the case with all animals. At a base level we exist to procreate. Which is why things that are detrimental to procreation are repulsive to society on a base level. Necrophilia, pedophilia (sexual attraction to prepubescent children), hebephilia (attraction to pubescent children), incest, homosexuality, ect. On the other side you have a basic attraction to things that are seen a contribution to procreation.  A pregnant woman is a known breeder, wide hips and large breast psychologically identify a woman more likely to be physically capable of birthing and raising a small child, muscles and height on the male side tend to be identifies of a good protector and provider. Another part of it is age. Mens sexual peak is between the ages of 16-35 whereas with women its between 16-25. Now none of this has anything to do with societal or moral norms. Society rules sometimes contradict psychological norms which is good as human are above the base psychological needs. 

6th most popular type of porn if you believe the groups that study that kind of stuff. 
1. multi partner followed by bondage, feet, pregnancy, barely legal, then incest.

Such a shame that realistic bodies would actually get you banned.

Game is pretty good. Al amount of imagined moments kind of take away from the story a bit as it feels given rather than earned but otherwise a good game. Cant wait to see the future episodes.

Absolutely. I know content creators catch grief when especially when it comes to the speed of releases. Just wanted you to know how much your work is appreciated.

 I played once in a lifetime and really enjoyed it so decided to try Eternum and man have you absolutely knocked this one out of the park so far. I'n most AVN style games I'm turning the sounds and in particular the music down because its at best distracting but this is the first game that I was actually turning up the Music. Keep up the great work Caribdis you have a fan for life. (also props for the correct multicultural mythological references)

 OK I'm fairly new to AVNs but I gotta say I enjoyed it so far to an extent. The only thing off-putting was the story arc with "Katie". The progression seemed way to forced in the early part and almost made me quit the game. The animation and all were excellent though. Look forward to future updates that and well definitely be sending (more than) a few bucks your way once this is completed.