Great work. Finally can use the UAL for your mod. Every tom dick and harry creates models but you're one of the rare few who has mastered the handling of the vehicles which makes a pleasure to use the mod. Amazing job mate.
Recent community posts
Line 2953: 2024-10-07 20:13 Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'mods/FS22_claas_arion/shaders/claasWindrowUnloadingShader.xml' has version 4 . Please convert this file to version 5 .
Line 2954: 2024-10-07 20:13 Error: Can't load resource 'data/particleSystems/fx_maizeWindrow_diffuse.png'.
Line 2955: 2024-10-07 20:13 Error: Can't load resource 'data/particleSystems/fx_sunflowerWindrow_diffuse.png'.
Line 4178: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_SM_Dealer/'.
Line 4179: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_SM_Dealer/'.
Line 4181: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_SM_Dealer/'.
Line 4182: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node StoreBuilding.001, only 0 children given
Line 4191: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>0|0
Line 4192: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node StoreBuilding.001, only 0 children given
Line 4201: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>0|0|0
Line 4202: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node StoreBuilding.001, only 0 children given
Line 4211: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>0|0|1
Line 4212: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node StoreBuilding.002, only 0 children given
Line 4221: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>1|0
Line 4222: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node StoreBuilding.002, only 0 children given
Line 4231: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>1|0|0
Line 4232: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node StoreBuilding.002, only 0 children given
Line 4241: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>1|0|1
Line 4242: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4251: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0
Line 4252: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4261: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0|0
Line 4262: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4271: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0
Line 4272: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4281: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0|0
Line 4282: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4294: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0
Line 4295: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4307: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0|0
Line 4309: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node StoreBuilding.001, only 0 children given
Line 4321: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>0|0
Line 4323: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4335: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0
Line 4336: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4348: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0|0
Line 4350: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4362: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0
Line 4363: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Cube.036, only 0 children given
Line 4375: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>2|0|0
Line 4377: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node StoreBuilding.002, only 0 children given
Line 4389: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>1|0
Line 4391: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 4 from node Dealer, only 4 children given
Line 4402: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>4|2|0
Line 4403: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Failed to find child 4 from node Dealer, only 4 children given
Line 4414: 2024-10-07 20:16 Error: Index not found: 0>4|2|1
Mate. Quite a few errors increased now and many hoppers are missing like the grain carts which were available before.
Line 1480: 2024-06-10 14:09 Error: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/autorack1.xml. Error=XML_ERROR_MISMATCHED_ELEMENT ErrorID=14 (0xe) Line number=149: XMLElement name=designConfigurations.
Line 1481: 2024-06-10 14:09 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/2bayCoveredHopper1.xml'.
Line 1482: 2024-06-10 14:09 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/wagonGrain3.xml'.
Line 1483: 2024-06-10 14:09 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/2bayCoveredHopper2.xml'.
Line 3094: 2024-06-10 14:23 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/'.
Line 3095: 2024-06-10 14:23 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/'.
Line 3096: 2024-06-10 14:23 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/'.
Line 3097: 2024-06-10 14:24 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/'.
Line 3106: 2024-06-10 14:24 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/'.
Hey mate. Sorry to bother you. I dont have any other way of contacting you hence sharing here. Of late getting the few errors in the log
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_Placeable_railroad/station.xml'.
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_Placeable_railroad/yardSpawn.xml'.
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/NKP_2-8-4_Berkshire.xml'.
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/NKP_2-8-4_Berkshire_Tender.xml'.
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/NYSW_GP38_2.xml'.
2024-06-04 21:29 Warning: CATERPILLAR' is an unknown brand! Using Lizard instead!
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerBaggagePHIVb.xml'.
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerCoachPHIVb.xml'.
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerLoungePHIVb.xml'.
2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerSleeperPHIVb.xml'.
Perfect. Thats working. But there is this error for the Berkshire
2024-05-25 21:16 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/'.
and the following pile of warnings come up over 500 lines
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
Is it just me or anybody else having issue with the Locomotives after the update? the moment you unfold them they start bouncing on the track. They do not adapt to the track. They were working fine before the update
This is the log error
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/CSX_GP38_2.i3d (26.45 ms)
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 data/effects/wheel/wheelEmitterShape.i3d (0.24 ms)
2024-05-25 19:56 data/effects/exhaust/exhaust.i3d (0.27 ms)
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Real Dirt Color successfully applied to ELECTRO-MOTIVE DIESEL CSX GP38-2
2024-05-25 19:56 Info: 1 vehicle(s) reloaded
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 277
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 278
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 279
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 280
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 281
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 282
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 283
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 284
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 285
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 286
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 287
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 288