Should the barn at the starter farm produce manure? I added straw and a manure pit but the straw is not going down and no manure with beef cattle
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I disabled the Premium pack but am seeing these 2 errors
2023-12-28 12:35 Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/***/***/***/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Taheton_County/maps/mapUS/placeables/waterFillTriggers/waterFillTriggers.xml'.
2023-12-28 12:36 Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/***/***/***/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Taheton_County/maps/mapUS/placeables/buyLiqFert.xml'
Looks like these files are missing from the zip file.
You can update it yourself..I was able to get it fixed.
Add this line pos *= instanceData.w; to the terrainshader.xml right above the line return pos + instanceData.xy; and rezip the map file.
float2 getPatchCoords(VS_INPUT In, ObjectParameters& object)
float4 instanceData = object.terrainInstanceData;
float2 pos = In.position.xy;
uint deltaRaw = floatBitsToUint(instanceData.z);
uint4 deltas = unpackUint4x8(deltaRaw);
if (pos.x == 0) {
uint levelDelta = deltas.x;
pos.y = float(((int)pos.y >> levelDelta) << levelDelta);
} else if (pos.x >= object.terrainPatchOffset.x-1) {
uint levelDelta = deltas.y;
pos.y = float(((int)pos.y >> levelDelta) << levelDelta);
} else if (pos.y == 0) {
uint levelDelta = deltas.z;
pos.x = float(((int)pos.x >> levelDelta) << levelDelta);
} else if (pos.y >= object.terrainPatchOffset.x-1) {
uint levelDelta = deltas.w;
pos.x = float(((int)pos.x >> levelDelta) << levelDelta);
pos *= instanceData.w;
return pos + instanceData.xy;