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A member registered Dec 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yes, I work on two games in tandem. I'm very close to finishing this Serenity update, then I will work on the next episode of Last Human. ;)

On voices: never happen. If you think development takes a long time now... You have to remember I'm one person doing the work of many. Voice actresses need to get paid too and I don't make enough for that. And I refuse to use AI voices... I've heard that done and I just don't like it.

On starting your VN: You will find it really difficult to find a dev willing to try to help you with this. Aside from the fact that we really don't have time; it's a complicated process to teach someone how to code, render, and animate. And that is only a part of it. I had to learn most of this stuff on my own. And if I'm honest, it really is the best way. I will give you this advice though - You're going to need Renpy. Google it. You need that to code (make your game story and dialogue). The site has tons of documentation and comes with an example game. You're also going to need images, and what you use is up to you - HoneySelect, HoneySelect2, or go the more challenging route and try DAZ3d. I would advise using HoneySelect2 (LH and Serenity use this). Download it and just start using it.

Rin isn't going anywhere. She will visit in various episodes. She remains the only constant connection between Serenity and Last Human.

Yep, but I develop 2 games and take turns with them. Right now I am working on Serenity Chapter 2 (episode 4). Once that is finished, I'll work on Last Human again.

I am developing 2 VNs. I am not focusing more on one than the other. I work on each update as best I can with the time I have outside of working a busy full-time job and taking care of family. Sometimes it takes me longer to update one than the other but not because I just 'spend more time' on one than the other. Once I complete an update to one, I begin work on the other. So yes, it can take a while between updates.

Ah you caught that did you? LOL
YES! I love Subnautica. The voice they used for the sub was so cool, so yeah... I kinda used his line ;)

Thanks for your nice comments Yamikaze, they're always welcome! :)

Come on... this is Serenity, of course they feel it! LOL

In the Camilla game, you'll play as a new male character. As for your question about the Rin scene, if you have to ask, then it didn't bother you. Some people saw it as cheating/ntr/cuck (which it is not).

No, I don't think I'll be doing a 3rd season. But I won't rule out the possibility of revisiting the series - perhaps later down the road. I've been working on Serenity for around 6 years now and really want to move on to something else. Last Human will go on though. And I will be doing a single game based on Camilla.

No incest. It isn't something that I'm into, so I can't write about it. Plus, its illegal in most places which makes us have to jump through hoops in order to implement it. We'll have a separate, short Camilla game soon though.

She is from a game called Sylphine, but it is now abandoned, sorry.


Ah okay... that would be a song called "her ways". You can find the MP3 in the "Audio" folder inside the game folder: herways.mp3
It is not by any artist you can find. It is commercial music that I purchased.

Kalina in the desert? Do you mean when they're on Mars? Show me a screenshot of the scene where the music starts.

Check the downloads section for the compressed version of the recent update.

Tell you what Bradd... I am running the compression tool now on the latest version. I'll rerun the build and upload it once it finishes (it takes a long time to run). However, you should know there is a chance the game is eventually going to reach a point where simply compressing it will no longer be enough.

For most people, the compressed version still looks basically the same. For others, it might be more noticeable, it just depends on your hardware. I personally don't like compressing my games because it does diminish the quality of the video animations, especially for the builds for computers. Compressed games on android is another story. I have no idea how much it affects the quality because I don't own an android. But most of my android users tell me they prefer the non-compressed version.

Let's not turn this into some kind of debate. I know (that it is well known) about android and the 2gb limit. Everyone knows that. However, I have a LOT of android users who download every release and they never have an issue. As I do not directly support android build (because I don't own an android and I am not an android programmer), I have no idea why most people have no issue with it, then every now and then someone (like you) says it won't work. Is it because you have an older model phone, or is the android version not the latest version? I wouldn't know even if you answered that - hence the reason I don't support it. I didn't want to even build an android version, but chose to do so because the renpy system has the apk builder already built-in.

Ah... I gave you the wrong song then. I know what part you're talking about now.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind words!
The name of the song is "Bloom" by Bryant Lowry
Bloom (

See, now THIS is a negative review that I can stand behind. People should read yours and take notice. Imagine, writing a negative review without resorting to name calling, shaming, or humiliating the dev, glorious! Thank you for your post!
With that said, to answer your question... first of all, Serenity definitely suffers from everything you mentioned. In fact, nothing you've said here is anything I haven't heard before. I know that adversity in the story is resolved too quickly. It is something I took note of when I started writing Last Human. Considering that you posted in the Serenity page, I'm wondering now if you have tried Serenity Chapter 2? FWIW, I believe that certain aspects of my development do improve in chapter 2, and probably more so in Last Human.

Each of my games still suffer from various things that random people dislike. I mean, let's face it, I am by no means calling myself a professional writer or even a professional graphic artist. But I do learn from proper, creative criticism when it is given. And I have tried to apply that into my work as I have grown.

Also, I want to reply directly to the first sentence in your post. To be fair, I think you might be referring to something I posted a while ago. I do not let feedback influence me anymore (to a degree). When a person tries my visual novels, then takes the time to write an honest review, I DO listen. I have a spreadsheet of notes with sentences that were taken right from those reviews. Many of them I've already highlighted as mostly completed.

Of course, none of this bears any weight on Serenity (chapter 1) because, honestly it desperately needs some rewriting - which I have plans to do later. As well as updating the graphics and animations. I've learned a ton of things about graphics that I didn't know then.

Finally, yes... I'm quite guilty of having some short sex scenes. But if you play Last Human, you should notice some improvement there.

I really dislike having to answer someone who asks me "should I play your game?" - I'll explain why... I believe that you should play any game that looks at all interesting to you. Give the dev a shot (not just me, but any). If you post your thoughts in a kind manner as you did here, you've done the community a service - if that dev takes notice and tries to improve based on your ideas about his game, and if more people would do that, I believe you would see a lot of better work out there.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. But thanks again for your post. I hope you will sit down, relax, and take a shot at Serenity Chapter 2 (it only has 3 episodes at this point) as well as Last Human (now at 4 episodes). If I can turn you around with at least one of those, that would make my day. If not, well... I tried and hopefully you'll come back one day to see if I'm doing things better.

All love, ...Fire

fwiw - when I release a new version, never extract it over your old version either. Always to a new folder of its own. That will also cause issues. And any AVN where you're using mods, you should always check the version of the mod before you apply it. Those mods change a lot of script files and can overwrite the newer one with an older one. Good luck :)

You have either overwritten your previous version game folder with the new one, or you got a bad download. That scene was removed a long time ago. Make sure when you download the latest version, you extract it to its own, new folder (NOT over the old version). If you are using mods (there is a naming mod for LH out there), that mod has to be up to date or it will screw up your game.

Sorry my friend, but futa isn't my forte.

It is supposed to be like that because there will be a lasthuman2 once the first season is completed. As for it not running, I have no idea, sorry!

Last Human - Rin Scene Explanation (SPOILER) - Last Human by N2TheFire (

No one seems to notice that MC did NOT readily accept anything. And that little scene (that is really ridiculously minor in the grand scheme of things) was merely setting up the way Rin's character is going to be when she does appear in the story. So everyone please relax and trust me. At least allow me the chance to finish some episodes and open up these little bits of story before you freak out. LOL

Yes, I am fully aware. But I also have made it pretty clear that I don't directly support the android build - I add the apk because renpy has the option to create it. I know very little about androids. What you may need is a compressed version of the game. There are people who make compressed versions of VNs regularly. There is one in the Last Human F95 thread that someone did but itch won't let me send you the link.

You'd be the first to mention this. I've been chatting with 4 other android users who have already completed the game on their devices.

I do indeed work on each novel in tandem. I am currently very close to releasing the episode 4 update for Last Human. Once that is out, I will begin work on episode 4 of Serenity Chapter 2.

Yep, its right at the bottom of the post, N2TheFire Games

I haven't decided that yet. Pregnancy (children) will complicate things for a story that I still plan to go at least 2 seasons. Also, children in adult VNs (even if not involved sexually) cause a lot of issues with providers like itch, Patreon, etc... Unless I am ending the story with that, it won't be in the game.

Not that I am aware of, sorry.

I have no intention of abandoning Last Human. I'm going to be around for a while, releasing episodes until season one is finished. And I have plans for a season 2. So hang in there.

I am attempting to rebuild the APK for android. I tried to run in my android emulator and I got basically the same message. I'll make a post about it once completed and uploaded.

I'm sorry you're having issues. Please check this post and read the section about android:
Serenity Chapter 2 (Episode 3) Release - Public! - Serenity Chapter 2 by N2TheFire (

I do not know a lot about android. I only build it because renpy has an option to do so and this build was successful. I can also tell you that several other of my android users had no issues.

That's great, I'm glad you were able to get them all working! And thanks, there is more to come ;)

(1 edit)

Everything you said here is pretty old news for Serenity. Keep in mind, if you're only in Chapter 1, that stuff was done like 3 and 4 years ago and was my very first project. There are TONS of mistakes and issues. As you progress further into it, you should notice it slightly improving the further you go, both in terms of writing and graphics. Those early scenes are super cringe even for me and I made it! LOL!
It desperately needs to be redone, but that task is way too much to handle while still developing Serenity Chapter 2 and also Last Human. I work on them in tandem (Serenity Chapter 2, episode 3 was just released a bit over a month ago, and now I am working on episode 4 of Last Human).
Anyway, keep going and hopefully you'll like it. Try my other project, Last Human also. I learned and progressed a lot by the time I started that one. Serenity will be ending with Chapter 2. Probably 4 or 5 more episodes.

That probably has very little to do with the game, and more to do with either your free storage space or some issue on itch itself. I've heard nothing from any of the other android users and it was downloaded a LOT.
Best thing I can tell you is try downloading the android version from my MEGA link here:
Select all of the text in that link, then PASTE it into your android browser. If you just tap the link, it may want a passcode (which is included in the link after the # sign). Most phones will only paste up to that # sign and not get the entire link.