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A member registered Dec 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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I haven't decided that yet. Pregnancy (children) will complicate things for a story that I still plan to go at least 2 seasons. Also, children in adult VNs (even if not involved sexually) cause a lot of issues with providers like itch, Patreon, etc... Unless I am ending the story with that, it won't be in the game.

Not that I am aware of, sorry.

I have no intention of abandoning Last Human. I'm going to be around for a while, releasing episodes until season one is finished. And I have plans for a season 2. So hang in there.

I am attempting to rebuild the APK for android. I tried to run in my android emulator and I got basically the same message. I'll make a post about it once completed and uploaded.

I'm sorry you're having issues. Please check this post and read the section about android:
Serenity Chapter 2 (Episode 3) Release - Public! - Serenity Chapter 2 by N2TheFire (itch.io)

I do not know a lot about android. I only build it because renpy has an option to do so and this build was successful. I can also tell you that several other of my android users had no issues.

That's great, I'm glad you were able to get them all working! And thanks, there is more to come ;)

(1 edit)

Everything you said here is pretty old news for Serenity. Keep in mind, if you're only in Chapter 1, that stuff was done like 3 and 4 years ago and was my very first project. There are TONS of mistakes and issues. As you progress further into it, you should notice it slightly improving the further you go, both in terms of writing and graphics. Those early scenes are super cringe even for me and I made it! LOL!
It desperately needs to be redone, but that task is way too much to handle while still developing Serenity Chapter 2 and also Last Human. I work on them in tandem (Serenity Chapter 2, episode 3 was just released a bit over a month ago, and now I am working on episode 4 of Last Human).
Anyway, keep going and hopefully you'll like it. Try my other project, Last Human also. I learned and progressed a lot by the time I started that one. Serenity will be ending with Chapter 2. Probably 4 or 5 more episodes.

That probably has very little to do with the game, and more to do with either your free storage space or some issue on itch itself. I've heard nothing from any of the other android users and it was downloaded a LOT.
Best thing I can tell you is try downloading the android version from my MEGA link here: 
Select all of the text in that link, then PASTE it into your android browser. If you just tap the link, it may want a passcode (which is included in the link after the # sign). Most phones will only paste up to that # sign and not get the entire link.

I am considering multiple endings where you can choose harem or a single LI, with different endings.

Uh, relax dude! I never said anything about copying Carib! Why would I even consider something like that when I have such a good thing going? He is my friend and sending him some kudos and hoping the quality of my graphics work could match the quality of his someday was simply that. So don't worry, nothing changing about how I communicate with you guys ;)

Hey! Thank you so much for the kind words "brown dude" <-- LOL I like that. And yep, I'll keep pushing on. I have content that I really can't wait to get out there for you guys. Thank you again for the emotional support and kind words.

The 'screenshots' on here are from before the first release. I really need to update those. Thanks for bringing that up, I get so busy :)


You're the first person to pick that up! That is exactly where I got that from LOL. I just loved the way that voice sounded in Subnautica when entering the Cyclops. Of course, the voice on Aurora is a female voice... but I thought it would be a neat line to use. ;)

It doesn't 'continue' there. But they do crossover. 

Thank you for the kind words :)

I did that in Serenity Chapter 1 and it was such a huge pain in the ass I just chose not to with Chapter 2 or with Last Human.
However, when I get close to finishing both projects, I plan to add an episode chooser and also a 'lewd scene' player. I hope that is some consolation at least!

no idea what you're doing wrong. There is one full episode added. Download the game, unzip the folder to its own folder (DO NOT overwrite your old game folder - this can cause some issues sometimes). When you save your game, always back up a page or two first when you reach the point it says "please back up a page or two and save".

If you open the folder where you store the game, then go into the "game" folder... there is an "audio" folder. All of the MP3 songs are in there. ;)

The only reason it has been such a long time since the last release is due to unavoidable personal circumstances. Eventually, I'll finally get back to 3-month updates to each game. But I will continue to work on the updates in tandem. The past 7 months were a mess that was not normal and not the way I plan to do releases in the future. Yes, there will be more Serenity and yes, there will be more Last Human. What most people don't seem to understand is that it is actually healthier for me to take turns working on two separate stories, so I don't get burnt out on doing one. So, switching back and forth is actually better. Yes, that does mean it's a bit longer between updates to each game, but like I said... it won't be like it was the past 7 months, as that wasn't normal for me. Once I complete this Last Human update, I should be able to get back to my 3-month schedule again. Meanwhile, just hang in there. I am always working on them ;)

Samantha definitely needs some fun time with MC... it just hasn't happened. That event is on my list. ;)

(1 edit)

Hi! If you play on PC or Mac, you can find the music files (MP3's) for Last Human in the "LastHuman-0.5-pc/game/audio" folder. Actually, I think you can get to them in the same location on android also. For Serenity, they're in the same place under your Serenity game folder. I've had a few people ask me about that. I'm glad you guys like the music choices I made.

Thank you, Tarunar. I don't speak Russian but your message translated perfectly. This is one of the things I love most about doing this... the many people I meet from different countries. I love that Serenity is popular where you are. The next Last Human update is near, and then I'll be working on the next Serenity update. Thank you for the kind message :)

1 - none at this time
2 - I haven't decided
3 - no
4 - I only can support English. There are others out there who have translated to other languages.

1 - Read THIS POST
2 - See above.
3 - no
4 - I only can support English. There are others out there who have translated to other languages.

Uh, Serenity (the first chapter) is a complete game, so...
1 - none
2 - There aren't any more updates to this one, it is complete.
3 - no
4 - I only can support English. There are others out there who have translated to other languages.

Uh, there isn't an episode 3 yet my friend. The filename is correct. I am just starting work on episode 3 content now.

and fwiw, the version number has nothing to do with the episode number. For example, there might be 2 additional updates after a beta release (before it goes public). It would still add episode 3, but could be version 0.5. Each new beta ADDS an episode. But if I have to make corrections and rebuild during beta, the version number will go up.

After chapter 2 is completed, I'll probably focus on Last Human or work on something new for a little while (take a break from Serenity). But I'm sure at some point we'll definitely come back to it.

Yeah... You're not the first to say this. I started on this like 4 years ago (first time making a VN). Serenity got changed a LOT from my original draft. Unfortunately, it isn't the story it really should be now. And that is my fault of course. When you're just learning, its easy to get caught up in what people critique and how they think something should be. I would have been better off never listening to any of that from the beginning. But here we are.

I don't know if you played Serenity Chapter 2 yet, but I'm currently in the writing phase for episode 3 of that one now. And you'll definitely be seeing some pretty dramatic changes as the story goes on in chapter 2. Especially starting in episodes 3 and 4. We're getting into the "dark light" arc right now in chapter 2 (something that really should have happened a long time ago in the first game). I'm hoping with this, I'll get it back on track. This won't be something that gets resolved after 10 lines of dialogue. I'm trying to do complete episodes where they may start with some dramatic situation, and sometimes resolved by the end of the episode. Other situations may take longer (the 'dark light' stuff for example). 

Check out Last Human (my other game) also, if you haven't yet. The latest release will drop here on itch on Wednesday of next week.

Thanks for the feedback (and for not being a dick about it - many just get ugly with their criticism and it's counterproductive). I hope you don't let the crappy start to Serenity ruin it for you and keep following Chapter 2. Take care, ...Fire

The public (free) release for itch should be in about one week from now. It will be released to the $5 tier on my patreon tonight at 10pm US central time. Itch gets the public release one day ahead of everyone else. ;)

Purely kinetic.
However, I am considering a couple of endings based on a few choices. Not sure yet if I will do that, but the idea is there and written down.

I'll answer both your questions here...
Last Human is the one I'm trying to finish now. It's a kinda large update so bear with me. I'm almost done.

Serenity C2 next update will begin development once I release the update mentioned above. I work on them back and forth in tandem.

The nature of Last Human is about new life. So yes, there will be pregnancy at some point. But not purely to fill out the crew. The Aurora doesn't need a large crew. You'll start to understand that in later episodes when you see her in more action.

1. I have no plans to have the Serenity MC and Last Human MC meet. There will be other minor 'crossover' situations though.

2. For now, only Rin comes to visit Pantheria. I have ideas for 1 or 2 others to MAYBE visit at some point. But that isn't definite.

3. Not necessarily, no. Those are more like 'fantasy' characters to me, and Last Human is 'science fiction'. Besides, the Captain will have his hands full with quite a lot of other distractions.

the release is still a few weeks away

I think you're talking about this one:
Nobody Else - YouTube

Not at this time. It will probably be put in for the last one or two episodes of Serenity Chapter 2

Glad you enjoyed it!

Those devs like that are exactly what I want to avoid turning into. You never have to worry about me just turning away and letting the free money just come in - I do this because I love what I do, not because of the money. Thanks for following and sticking around :)