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A member registered Sep 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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you can choose.

(3 edits)

of course! I tried writing my own IF and.. wow? It takes up so much brain power, so all the power to you (and every other writer for that matter). I’m glad you’re not finding too much stress from it (as I’m interpreting it). I and I’m sure many others are excited to see what happens with it! Please take your time, and know that you’re appreciated whether or not you engage with the audience.

boy do I have a treat for you. (ps the poly is most likely going to happen, from looking at the tumblr, if he has time and energy)

welcome back! I’m hoping your days have been well, and that you and your family is happy and healthy! P.S- thank you for delivering another beautiful game 😊 

rubbing my hands together evilly 😈 {loving the update}

I was hinting, sorry lol. It’s just them trying to “”””defend””””” queer people by saying that the word is unusable (because of history) while ALSO dismissing a whole part of the communinty- the cognitive dissonance is hilarious to me.

I noticed you’re purposely removing the T in LGBT.. why is that. The only people I know who do that are bigoted and transphobic.

man… I keep coming back to this demo 😰 you have me in a chokehold,Bonner.

Thanks for the info! Makes more sense since how complex coding, art, storybuilding is. :)

There’s no confirmed release date- but we can assume it will be middle or end of this year.

Your brain is so huge, man (gnc). I’m in love with the story, the art, the characters- everything! I’m so excited to see what’s to come. Thank you for making this game!

Ahhh this is amazing so far! Im so happy to have found this gem!

😭 rip

maybe they don’t have an ‘a’ key 🤷 


Screaming, and foaming at the mouth right now. I LOVE ALL YOUR WORKSSSSSS. thank you for sharing your stories with the rest of us <3

STOPPPP the message texts are killing me. I, too, want to smooch the ghost 👻 ♥️ (loving your work as always)

Loved Ruben's route so much- Im excited for the rest! :D

WAHHHH IM EXCITED FOR SEPTEMBER/DECEMBER!!!! I love, love, LOVE both Our Life games: Thank you for all you've done!!!!

Oh I bet I will :D

ANOTHER ONE??? You are FEEDING this community, and by god I’m loving all of it!!! You churn these out so quickly, and I hope you aren’t straining yourself :(

As usual, I love your work!

I sure do love a horror/not so fluff romance :) Love this so far!

Ohhh I hope so! Love the idea of a overpowered monster being a little ball of fluff towards the one they love ^-^

I have a habit of romancing WD with every game you make: I just love him too much. :D I'm very curious to how hes presented in this one- Since hes spoken about so secretively.

Definitely enjoyed it! Thank you for making such a wonderful game!

Well, i hope so too. Im staying on the optimistic side and assume its a writers block, but wishing them well if its anything else :)

WOW this is good! 

From what ive seen from the "spicy" tumblr? Oooh boy I cannot WAIT for this to be completed. You're doing everyone a favour by bringing this into existence. Lovely writing, lovely mind, lovely person. Thank you!

Also, I'm already in love with E :)

Oh hell yeah, an update! Your work is 100% worth waiting for and i'm loving all of it. Thank you for having such a wonderful brain :)

from their tumbler, they seem to be fine but just has a writers block :)



Are you capable of choosing Allen's position or is it predetermined for each route?

Oh you're so right- Colour indicators that help group the choices is a good idea. You can choose closer to your personality (ex: blue being more shy) while also having that choice variety (From looking away to a stuttered reply- both being shy choices, but different nonetheless).

Thats a really good idea! :D

gripping my screen and shaking rn. I cannot WAIT to meet them 😭 my little murder babies, tiny little killers.

I got so confused with Neo; since my name is Neo and I used that name. I did a double take 😭 

cannot wait to smooch the big ol demon boy <3

Thank you for replying!

Hello! Are you able to choose your position regarding the nsfw scenes or is it already determined? :)