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(1 edit)

Alright, I finally played it have some thoughts. Turbo spoilers and all.

So, what I like:

+ The amount of effort that was put into Ace Attorney minigame was mindblowing. Not only you had to draw new sprites for human characters, but a lot of those that have been drawn before have to be repurposed for the Courtroom Drama minigame. I know some people complained about the fact that the update took so long, but considering the quality and everything, I'm actually surprised it took it *this* fast. 

+ With a proper repackaging, the separate version can be made inot just an A.A fangame, easily accessible for people who aren't even into the whole gay furry thing.

+ Love to see emphasis on human characters and the way they interact with the village

+ Also loved to see an actualy drama and action, something that vast majority slice of life games usually avoid (until the very end) 

+ Just the idea of moving the plot forward without involving an actual monster hunting action in a way it was presented was quite genious.

+ Callback to capcom’s legacy

+ Jack. Just Jack.

What I liked not so much, disliked:

- There are a bit of tonal problems that I needed to get over at first. The way the plot suddenly shifted felt a litte a abrupt, and the presentation of A.A. segment with its iconic theathrics caused a bit of a tonal whiplash. It doesn’t help the fact that due to how memed AA series is it looked like a parody at first despite the seriousness of situation.

-+ its kinda weird that once hunters arrive you do not allow to even say as much as two words to any of the villagers, let alone see them. Even more strange it is not allowed to be before the AA segment, you would think that hearing the “culprit”’s and elder’s side of the story would be pretty damn important for Scrivener’s job. With it comes a lot of “tell, not show”, segnments where we are told about a lot of events only after the fact they already happened, at least before the whole courtroom thing. Gonna give it a pass due to budget and time constraints tho. Also I did liked how the tenstion and unrest gradually built once we see the slew of armored soldiers piling up in the village.

- The whole mystey about a previous Scrivener is a bit unbeliavable in a sense that our scrivener didn’t discover it sooner. You would think that at least one of the villagers would definetlely comment a conincidental arrival of a second scrivener which could be overheard. It also weird that a little too chatty folk like Koku didn’t even slipped it once, especially considering how much of a hardcore monster hunter fan he is, which lead me to believe that he either, somehow, was too young to remember that *and* never heard about him afterhards, or for the duration of the whole previous two weeks somehow was self-consious enough not to mention it even once. Both instances are low-key unbelievable for me.

- Scrivener’s character sprite is still eye-less.

Overall, really liked this segment. There were couple of problems for me at the start, but the direction the plot took more then saved all of them. My only concern is that some people won’t like new direction and phase out, but, hopefully, that will not happen.

ios has a good renpy emulator called “spark”. Android has bunch of those too, probably.

Gotta respect the dedication of making the story the best it can be. A lot of other devs prefer ignoring feedback, so its nice meeting people who listen to it 

kinda weird warren didn’t embark on a journey with protagonist, considering he loves him so much that even wanted to take his curse on himself

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Every dateable character has an artificial body part by a lucky stroke of fate. Marruk, for instance, has an artificial eye that allows itself to glow.

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Not gonna lie, the last update was… kinda bad. The game tried to go more mature route and just fell flat on its face while doing that.

First of all, I’m really tired of victim protagonist trope, and here it isn’t even executed that well. The sister throws the most cartoony insults at him, and his Dad just beats him from time to time which was considered pretty normal irl in pre-modern times, yet appaarently its a child abuse now. Okay.

But that’s all got nothing on what happened next.

So I played Mac’s route (not interested in others anymore) and the sequence of events that happened there just baffled me to no end. So basically after encountering bunch of slaves on an island Mac had a bit of PTSD when witnessing slavery going on so he convinces MC to save them… an he agress… and then they do.

And there is so much wrong with the sequence of events that followed that I don’t even know where to start:

* The fact that short twink like Mac somehow managed to solo overpower bunch of guards;

* The fact that those guards were just people doing their job;

* The fact that slaves they have freed don’t really have anywhere to go and would probably starve on the streets anyway;

* The fact that the whole thing is happening on an island so they will be probably be returned to slavery shortly thereafter anyway;

* The fact that Mac and MC have endangered their entire crew by doing that stunt;

* The fact that all of the above are somehow considered to be a positive thing that happened. 

So positive, in fact, that MC has learned such a shocking lesson that it’s actually good not to be selfish asshole from time to time. And he has learned this lesson from a pirate. From a *pirate*. While being a *noble*.

I… I mean… I can’t with this writing man.

This game should have stayed just a silly furry dating sim.

Is this by chance a remake of an old vn by the same name?

(4 edits)

> if there was any specific reason for it

Why not?... Guys just fans of a franchise and probably wanted to just show their respect towrds it. Frankly thfe MH universe is rich with its lore and can be a fertile ground for variety of different stories.

Also, since you are not a fan of furry mxm, these games were oversaturated with mostly wolves (and other real anthropomorphic animals) so people were craving for something more mythical and exotic, and you hardly can go more exotic as far as MH bestirary goes.

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My dad was, and as much as he liked to talk about it not once he was mentioning the fact he and his boys fucked with each other in an orgy sessions.

And even if they were it doesn’t mean that a fictional story should present it as tasteless as it does.

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I really don't know how or why I should be invested in a growth of a character who needs unknown amount of time only to become *bearable* (and the fact that a vn that was in development since forever still haven't gotten very far is its own separate can of worms). I will just go and read better stories with characters I actually want to root for instead.

Tragic backstory doesn’t give a character a shield to be piece of shit, sadly, and so far I haven’t seen even one redeeming quality of his. At this point for me in order to like Katan he has to undergo a redemption arc on the level of Kuzco or Luke von Fabre and Im really not sure i will have patience to stick around to find out if he is going to undergo it at all.

Tbh I don't see any particular necessity in remaster as I don't see any issues that can't be fixed in the further updates. But eh, your choice

Pretty wholesome dating sim, and I'm particularly grateful it inteoduced me to a cartoon that I somehow managed to sleep on despite its popularity. Hoping it won't get completely abandoned.

(3 edits)

Not gonna lie, protagonist makes it very  hard to tear throught this vn. He is so completely unlikable it is very hard to be invested in his struggles or journey. Prince Rowan from The Silercrest Pilgrimage is a much better example of a similar archetype.

Too little of a game to make an opinion for now but I like the premise. And contrary to previous opinions, I like the fact the most charavters are bottom here.

I know I wasn't the biggest fan of this game but I'm glad its still going.

well, i guess this works

Well, that's a noble goal, so I will defintely interested where this goes (pun not intended lol)

I quite liked it. The idea of using setting with anthros as an allegory of fitting in in a new country is quite original, and the subject of immigration becomes only more relevant as the time goes by. I only hope the project won't get abandoned.

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Thought it would be anohter insulting stockholm fetish, but, thankfully, end result turned out to be much better then I expected. My major complaint is a plothole regarding prince kidnapping; tiger says that they kidnapped him for his contractor for what he assumed is ransom but its unclear why bandits ever needed to go this far when they could just initiate ransom themselves. Wouldn't it be much more convenient?

i have a lot to say about this novel, but the thing that I’m the most baffled about is the very idea. Making Christian visual novel for furries?… Correct me if I’m wrong but vast majority of furries are gay people, and as far as I’m aware they aren’t exactly on good terms with Christians, so trying to unite two completely opposed groups is so… bizarre …

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> With the always looming thread on the horizon (plague) and focus on military and war - life is short and cheap.

This explanation still doesn’t sit right with me. Unlike Battletech, IFS’s version of future doesn’t appear to be dystopian to resort to that sort of mentality, and while the plague is definitely a problem, it isn’t crashing moon from Majora’s Mask that is going to wipe everything out inevitably.  It doesn’t help the fact that it was entirely MC’s choice to resort to military out of personal vendetta, so there is no real excuse for him to be a promiscuous slut.

And it isn’t like game adresses it as n tasteful way either. On the contrary it endorses such behavior which kinda insulting, honestly. According to it its okay to be a promiscuous slut, which is further reinforces harmful stereotypes for gay community. It either has to adress this sort of thing or left it offscreen entirely, cuz as it stands now, it just not a good look.

(On the other hand your second argument is on point and I fully agree with it)

I will check it out, thanks. Also thanks for taking my feedback into account, even if it was harsh

Edgy and tone-deaf, that's all I can really say.

One scene we see how a woman and her daughter get brutally murdered by monsters, and then next we see two furries heartly hug just right after they defeat said monsters. In the same place those two were murdered right before that. A+ writing.

I guess it also has a pretty good pencil artstyle and some sort of jrpg-esque combat system, but after such a horrible first impression I find it to be a really hard time to care about any of those things.

Sorry Ghost-Specie, but maybe next time.

Pretty enjoyable and fresh take on furry dating sims. Can't wait to become king of the pirates lol

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Ok, that was *much* better than the original build. Everything actually making sense now, and flows organically with each other... well, almost. Gotta give props to dev for listening to feedback and giving it there best to improve (I know I played a large part in trashing the original build by sometimes it needs to be done) 

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Very original spin on a card game genre (is it a card game?... I mean, technically it's not yet still has the same vibes smh)

(6 edits)

Long read! You must have woken up on the wrong side of your bed this morning.

 Some interesting thoughts that I personally don't agree with at all but could read through and see. However, they're all sadly invalidated by your child-like outburst at the end personally attacking and trying to put down someone's opinion. 

If you're going to write a counterpoint, write a counterpoint, don't step on someone like that because you're too incapable of regular human interaction. 

I wish I had a clever thing to say tot mimic your "the only one dead inside is you" but sadly, there's nothing worth taking away from your post after ending it on such an idiotic note. You turned yourself into a troll, at best. I'd love to see a counter argument where you actually spent effort into making it, not spewing irrelevant hate everywhere.

P.S If you  were aware of such thing like “subtext” (a very innovative and shocking concept, I know), you would figure out easily what I meant when i said “the game present itself like furry hogwarts,” as its premise and mentioning of “institute of magic” give you all the information to piece together without making a direct references. Of course you wouldn’t find direct mentions of “furry” and “Hogwarts” because no sane person wears their inspirations on their sleeve like that, and if you *do* expect every work fiction to spit out everything on a silver platter like that for you to understand— then you should probably start working on improving your own IQ.

Glad you guys listening to criticism. I myself don’t really like extensive exposition, but when your world-building is so complex it can become very overwhelming very fast. Then again, it might have been my personal problem as well as I usually prefer more simple settings.

(2 edits)

The game seems interesting thanks to it atmosphere, visual and writing styles, but because the setting is so otherworldly and crypitc the worldbuilding quickly confused me with a lot of information even with the built-in encyclopedia. Over the course of the first hour my mind couldn't be helped but bombarded with all sorts of questions, like: 

What is the current state of the world and how high or low an average standard of living; how exactly these factors are influenced by Jazz corp; What role this corporation plays in grand scheme of things in general; why Nu Lios is ruined and why the corp or the government won’t rebuild it to expand their territory and salvage it into something useful; how exactly the clans function; how come protagonist so closely befriended the very boss of such an esteemed organisation like KE&E; What are his worldview, hopes, and dreams besides of simply going independent; what kind of limitation his power have from preventing him from essentially becoming a god; is this story is going to be as depressing and hopeless as Cyberpunk Edgerunners 

well, you get the idea. I know that some of these questions will be answered later on, but it's kinda weird that instead of introducing at least a vague understanding of the world the story is too busy showing protagonist and his friend parkouring on abondend ruins first hour or so. It would be nice if the setting would answer at least a half of question that I have so I won't be endlessly confused while I'm readini this vn.

Other then that the story is immersive and enjoyable.

A pretty enjoyable YA fiction if that's your sort of thing. Art, worldbuilding, writing and character dynamic are all pretty well done.

My two biggest issues with this vn are:

1. Sex scene isn’t the best way to begin your story. It may lead your protagonist to be perceived as a horny nymphomaniac who’s main goal is getting laid, and while I know that’s the reason why a lot of people read fvn’s in the first place, it never the less can create a negative first impression, so that’s probably something you should not disclose about protagonist’s character for quite while.

2. I don’t like Calbex. As far as I understand knight’s duty aside from fighting is to be a good mentor to their squire yet Calbex has been neglecting both of these duties just because he is on recovery… apparently. Corwan works is ass off to become a knight yet Calbex simply doesn’t care about him or how well he becomes one, leaving his mentorhip to everyone else. He doesn't provide any mentorship, any guidance on what’s knight job is, doesn’t take any effort to encourage or discourage his passions… hell, he doesn’t provide much of an attention to hm really. I guess it’s for setting up his character arc but, like, doesn’t even higher ups demand of him to provide at least some sort of mentorship while he is recovering from injury? How is he still not in a retirement and out of the job? At this point I won’t mind if Corwan would be assigned even to Fen. Like sure, he is an ass, but at least he cares about rising good squires. Calbex, on the other hand just doesn’t.

The game shows a lot of promise, and there is one scene in particular that I think is worth highlighting.

I see a lot of people have grown disdain for human protagonists who throw tantrums and complain about their situation but this game… made this work?…

This might be a bit of a spoiler, but in the end of the last update it is revealed that the way for MC to go home is cut off…  all the while he was already mentally prepared to go home right away that instant.

Naturally MC throws a fit (I mean who wouldn’t?) and he felt such despair and hatred that it awakened his superpowers he was about to use to attack a foxman — a reason for his misfortunes, while Agnarr jumps to the foxman defense.

Thankfully, the conflict did not escalate further, and afterwards both MC and Agnarr reconcile and apologize to one another — MC for lashing out and unleashing superpowers he didn’t even know he had, and Agnarr for nearly hurting him even thought he promised he will be protecting him. 

I thought this scene was worth highlighting for two reasons.


First off — it's lowkey brilliant as it accomplishes multiple things at once: it lets MC to be human and demonstrates the flaws he should be working on, it establishes the fact he has superpowers, conditions under which they activated and it moves MC’s relationship with Agnarr forward.

And second — not only it highlights the fact that MC’s like these can work, but also how *exactly* made them work, and I really wish other writers who write furry-isekais would set this scene as an example.

Bloody brilliant. Also thanks for listening to my ted talk.

> You do know they have a life right?

Okay? Then why even bother making anything? I mean as far as I am aware even doing this much work already have taken out from dev's life, so why even bother at this point?

> They're not obligated to make updates frequently for anyone, it's just a hobby he likes making.

The moment you entice your audience to spend their pretious time and emotional investment on your product you *do* become obligated to deliver on it, "it's just a hobby" isn't an excuse anymore. It would be one thing if it would be just a collection of short stories, but this is a somekind of slowburn mystery with multiple plotlines going on, an I can say with 90% that none of them are ever going to get resolved because both the audience and its creator will run out of patience before that. 

> Also if your going to give constructive criticism, be nice

Ok you are right on that one, but with death of freedom of expression when you always have to be nice to everyone it's becoming increasingly difficult to just not let it all out. I always tried to be nice to vn's I've criticised and it led it to me writing some absurd posts and previews with something like "right now this novel is kinda shit but I still have faith in it" because large portion of fvns are so bad I have feeling they were written by chatgpt (althought at least this vn isn't of those so I guess I can give it that as a compliment)

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I haven't reached this explanation because the game was so excruciatingly dull, but, isn't it kind of the entire job of the police? To sacrifice their own safety for the sake of civilians? If yes then the government will absolutely want them to use them in order to improve their effectiveness at it, and if they don't want that — they won't be hired to begin with. And on that note

> You can't tell if the orb will be useful in battle before bonding with it

First of all, they don't necessarily have to be useful in the battle to help the police with their job, as it involves much more other things besides gunfights. But more importantly,  you mean to tell me this world hasn't got a clue how its own rules work? For the entire time of its existence, no one bothered to conduct research to test those orbs and figure out how they function? I find that to be unbelievable. 

I understand that, but I wish you too would understand that there is so much patience people have, and if it took you whopping 3 — 4 years just for its main love interest to get its second day then maybe you shouldn’t make visual novels at all, because at this point its disrespectful towards both casual readers for tasting their patience and patreon supporters for wasting their money.  

Didn't like it. The protagonist is soulless (and the way the game tries to evoke sympathy to him comes across as emotionally manipulative and hamfisted, constantly reminding us how pathetic he is), the worldbuilding is non-sensical (Why Police force don't use those power orbs if they are the ones who need them the most?), The plot is boring (The protagonist just keeps being dragged around town by every person he meets because he is someone important... apparently) and the update schedule is so long I can't imagine how anyone can have patience for waiting for updates. The artstyle are unique and guys are hot, but sadly that's not enough for me :-(

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Just played the game and, I'm sad to say this, but its very bad. 

Arstyle-wise the game is amazing. It boasts all possible varieties of genders, body type and species. While I’m gay and all, I nevertheless appreciate female characters and romance options since I don’t require characters to be a certain gender to enjoy romance and overall it contributes to the world’s believability.

Sadly the “believability” is the word I can only use loosely in this case because as far as everything else goes this game is NONSENSE.

The game markets itself as an essentially furry Hogwarts with emphasis on magic and shit.

So with that in mind let *this* sink in: upon an entirety of the first route I’ve played I have seen exactly *one* scene where magic system is at least somewhat explained, *ONE* scene where magic is actually used and *NO* scenes depicting the protagonist actually visiting classes with his peers… all in the game that markets itself as a furry Hogwards.

Like, what? Why are you advertising the game as such when you can’t deliver on the thing you advertised the most? Why even set *this* as a premise?

Now you might ask what this game is about then? And the only answer I and others can give is… Bunch of characters hanging out going around in circles(reference not intended) until something finally happens. No really, that’s literally the entire plot.

The world building… doesn’t exist. If it was yet another real-life setting with furries I would maybe begrudgingly forgive that but, like, this isn’t real life, that is supposed to be science fantasy!

Additionally we are supposed to identify with main characters since he came from place where magic doesn’t exist but we don’t even know what exactly is the place he came from! Harry Potter have done it pretty well placing its protagonist in irl London, but here everyone is constantly remarking that the protagonist to came from Midgard. Like, what’s even *is* this place? It this ff7 type of Midgard? Is this a Norse Mythology type of Midgard? I don’t know and the game doesn’t know either!

And finally we get to the characters. And I’m gonna just come out and say it: they are absolutely unbelievable. They act so detached from reality that its simply impossible to emphasize with them. They can act like more-or-less normal people in one moment and the flip the switch and turn to complete psychos.

At first i was convinced that the game was going for a denpa-style horror (which is backed up by moments where the game legitimately wants to be horror) but as a denpa it also doesn’t work because denpa implies that every character starts normal and then slowly going mad for reasons when here everyone starts detached from reality and remains as such for an entirety of the game.

The dialogue seems forced and unnatural and the sequence of events makes no sense whatsoever. Things just… happen.

Like, after midroute there is an important event when two teachers got into debacle and during their spellfight hurt one of the student in a crossfire, and after two weeks timeskip things just… got back to normal?... Like, they face no consequences, the wounded student seems to recover just fine and the protagonist who fell into depression because wasn’t even being visited or comforted by anyone?... and it isn’t like either of the other characters were caring much for that student either, they just continue with their lives like nothing ever happened.

And then I get an ending that rips off Suzuha’s steins;gate one without a proper build up. Protag just discovers a time-travel superpower out of nowhere and decides to keep rewinding time because of an apocalypse or something? Where did this come from?

Anyways, this game is nonsense and my brain hurts just from thinking about it.

I also have to mention the gameplay which somehow was screwed as well. Instead of traditional vn they decided to go for a pseudo point and click adventure which only hurt the overall experience more than anything. Instead of just choosing your desired love interest each time you know you have to stumble across the entire town to search the place where they decided to randomly spawn this time around… which also came at a cost of not adding such basic features like skip read text, autoplay, reroll and save anywhere. What in the actual fuck. Last game I played that didn’t had these features was a Colonel Sanders Dating Sim, which was a free meme game, but even when it comes to free meme vns all of them have these options and you are telling me devs couldn’t add these basic features in a title which costs as much as a remaster of Persona 3? I can’t even.

Anyways, don’t let pretty graphics fool you. This game is dead inside.

I dunno man, MC x Xavier was pretty much my canon ship from the start. Marshall didn't have much of character or sceen time so I didn't really care about him that much.

(2 edits)

I disagree with this comment in pretty much every way possible.

First of all, I’m a free man and I’m free to do whatever I want as long as its not prohibited by law. That means if I want to criticize something — I will. Same goes for others.

Second — having other people mentioning the same criticism is incredibly important. If someone like me mentioned it devs might not even bat an eye, but if multiple people doing it — that means its definitely something you should be working on.

And finally, in a medium where the only thing people care and know about is Echo you have to be grateful for *any* sort of comments, because that means people care about your product. What you truly have to afraid of is the *lack* of comments because that means no one is interested in your product anymore. 


> enjoy what we have

Do you enjoy eating shit that you have? I personally don’t but it might just be me, so please, allow me to have at least some standards for my fvns. Thank you.