had a lot of fun playing it. still have to explore the other options in the game but mAN he's great. fr liked the bickery and the chats they had (but im still very curious about the old neighbour yk). the designs (ui, backgrounds and the LI) are awesome and dreamy, missed some more options for the MC but it's fine. good game overall!!!!
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i was happy to see another project from robobarbie and they did an amazing job, again! i'm pretty stupid with coding and all of that, but the explaning for the mini game + in game guide + coding doc guide REALLY helped me out. as for the story: amazing. just like blooming panic, i felt like it was short, but not exactly rushed. the good part is that it kinda gives an "open ending" to the seekLove, so we can leave it up to imagination or smth. the Love Interest was also very adorable, loved the VA work there. althought i really wish i could learn more about his past and motives, but maybe that would ruin the magic? idk. what i also like about robobarbie stories is how likeable and interesting they make side characters be. yes, i would love to know more about incri and why they speak and act that way. the autor do have an unique way of making you get attached to these characters.
well, i'm hoping to see more seekL content, maybe an extra chapter or short story on Od birthday? who knows! i'll pay close attention and wait to see how many more stories are yet to be told, cannot wait to experience them all.
HIS GAME IS FKING AWESOME like, it seems like a simple quiz at first, seems like you can't really do nothing about it and you'll always be the asshole in the situation BUT if you just stand there, try enough, have a little bit more of patience you'll discover a awesome narrative, a true ending to this. I recomend this so bad, 10/10 experience.