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Naga sake

A member registered Apr 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Fun little game. IDK if it was intentional or not but the rapid-tapping required to properly use the air-break is very thematically relevant. However it seems like it might be an accessibility issue, and I do think that a press-and-hold version of the control scheme might be useful.

Changelings added!

Thank you! I just uploaded a version of the earthpony subrace based off of g5, and I'm working on adding changelings too! If you end up using any of these in your game please tell me how it goes! 

Yeah I'm 200% certain this used to be a flash game. It looks like you've slightly updated the graphics but for all intents and purposes you copied an existing game, unless you're the original creator? But I feel like if you WERE the original creator of this back in the day, you would have mentioned that. 

This isn't really a TTRPG. This is a poem.

I am now actually working on that module. And yeah this is a very small game so there isn't really any materials outside of what I upload.

I'd like to see you keep making these , specifically playable on itch. I know you have something else going on on a new platform but I enjoy this format. I hope if you do make more you continue advancing the player's level

I have a pokemon game that was made specifically to be solo play, with multiplayer support as a secondary option. 

is that SCRATCH? a 3d scratch game? am I tweaking?

Low lighting makes the whole game way too bright, and any other setting makes it pitch black, with only tiny bits of light from the windows. so it's either play with fullbright and laugh at the 'spooky' game that is no longer spooky cause of how bright it is, or be confused and bump into walls in pitch darknes.

Ok so I just finished all the endings. Do you plan on adding more? I just feel like there's alot of unsolved mysteries. Maybe I'm just media illiterate though. There HAS TO be some connection between the statues and the high-tech sex dolls in this universe (also TBH I prefer the statues, the flesh tone of the doll makes it weird to me.). What exactly are the statues. The dead dude wanted to become one and couldn't but it's also implied the statues used to be people? But also the one statue was clearly being carved so what's up with that? I WANT ANSWERS. It almost seems like there could be a two-sides thing to the statues/robots where one is this high tech artificial thing and the other is a more 'natural' magical one. Especially weird since there seems to be no actual connection I could gather beteen these two things. 

It's weird as hell but I really like the sweet dynamic between the MC and the statues at the house by the end. It's sweet and hot and I really hope you make a sequel or chapter 2 where it expands more on just, their lives and relationships. Hell, if it's an abandoned mansion and obviously no one came for the guy, the MC could claim squatters rights and get the mansion and everything.

So rule 1.3 says  "It should be a standalone game, without the need for other game texts." I had an idea for a game that specifically used other texts as part of the game, but not as a supplementary rules thing (Like "Combat as described in D&D 5e" or anything like that), but as a part of the game's mechanics (In a similar way to "Behold: A Game!"). It doesn't actually use the text of other games, but it does ask players to reference literary works or phonebooks or the like. I'm not sure if this is rule breaking or not. I can share the 24-words here if someone would need to make a judgement call on it.

If it doesn't, I'd encourage you to still use this idea somewhere later. sounds interesting.

Realistically it's not as easy as "add dicks". The bodies here are cartoonishly feminine. If they were to add male statues it'd have to be new scenes entirely. TBH I'd find a few thrown in there to be fun, but that's an optional-bisexual route. To make this gay full on gay would require them  to basically remake the game from the ground up

Thank you

So there isn't any official module at the moment. The default rules are very story-light and the game is generally pretty RNG-heavy, but I am working on a module. IDK when it's gonna be finished though XD The module is gonna have a CYOAG-style story to run through (keep in mind this game is intended for solo play primarily, but you can still use the rules for something like a more story-driven multiplayer game). 

The WIP document for the module does feature a list of pokemon I'm gonna be adding, but they aren't necessarily every pokemon, not necessarily even in the correct evolution line XD (for example, vespaquin being folded into the beedrill line as a split evo), and without a simple chart for all of the like the OG 150~ in the base rules. I can share the document with you so you can at least have their stats, but the Cindiquil and Zubat lines weren't even going to appear in the module (I'll stat them out here for you though).

So as far as guidelines for pokemon stats for one keep in mind that this game is very much "my take" on pokemon, with some pokemon's gimmicks being messed with, new types added, and the like. I prefer pokemon that are unique and not normal animals (like raticate or ekkans) so those aren't going to be in most of the supplementary material, but I did put them in the base game for the sake of the original 150. 

So, generally if a pokemon has to evolve to get to it's form it's allowed to be stronger, with a standard 3-stage evolution having a +1 in either stat at level 1, a +1 in one stat, a stage 2 pokemon having a +2 in it's highest stat, and a stage 3 pokemon having a +4 in it's highest stat. A two-stage evo line can usually get a +3 in it's second form, and a no-evolution pokemon really goes case-by-case. 

 Abilities can add to a pokemon's viability. Farfetch'd is a dogshit pokemon in combat but it's two abilities serve to make it a support pokemon. Tinkaton has a +5 to it's physical fighting, and Blastois only has +4, but it also has either an extra hit or an ability that helps prevent damage. 

Generally +5 is the upper limit on a pokemon's base stats unless there's a special reason for it to be higher.

When making stats I focus less on a pokemon's actual in-game stats in the video games and think more about what vibes they give off. Physical and Special stats serve as both offense and defense, so even if a pokemon is primarily a physical attacker in-game if it has an okay special defense it might be a phys +4 special +2 instead of an outright +5/+0 or the like. 

I also try to use abilities as a way to differentiate pokemon from each other, given how simple the stats are. It's not always a direct translation of a pokemon's ability in the video game, sometiems it's an iconic move or something from their pokedex/pokemon classification. I try to give pokemon unique abilities where applicable but I'm also not afraid to reuse them where it makes sense. (wanting each pokemon to be unique is part of why I'm not planning on using many starteres or normal-animal pokemon that are more or less the same pokemon over and over again)

I usually hear 'actual play' as a term for TTRPG podcasts. If that's what you mean please share it here I'd love to watch. If you just mean "I'm gonna play IRL" have fun and give feedback!

Here's the WIP module for the module, though again I reiterate right now this is just brainstorming and basically just a list of stat blocks with the story not even close to being written up:

Again I want to reiterate this is very much "my take" on pokemon, so some lines have been fused together, some types have been swapped around, and mega evos are now their own evo for some pokemon.

and for your favorite pokemon's stats

Dex number: 169

Name: Crowbat

Type(s): Poison/Flying

Bonuses: Physical +4 Special: +2


[Twisted]: This pokemon may use a dark type trick at any time, or gains +1 to it’s fighting rolls if it’s a dark type. This pokemon is considered dark type for the sake of being immune to abilities.


[Echo]: This pokemon’s xp die goes up one size for every turn it has fought with special in a row and done damage before this one so long as it fights with special. To a maximum of 2d6.

[Infiltrator]: Ignores abilities that negate damage (Shell Tuck, Barrier, Sturdy)

Trick Types: Flying, Poison, Dark, Rock, Normal, Steel, Dragon

Dex Entry: The wicked are not without friends and allies. Several villains in folklore and pokemon-world history have been known to keep Crowbats as familiars.

Dex number: 155

Name: Cyndaquil 

Type(s): Fire

Bonuses: Physical +0  Special +1


[Flame Body]: Physical fighting by or against this pokemon that deals damage also burns the opponent’s pokemon.

[Solid Start]: This pokemon gains an additional +1 bonus to its physical fighting, it can still be your starter

Trick Types: Fire, Normal, Ghost
(Yes I'm giving the whole line a hisui form cause it's weird that it suddenly shifts at the end)

Dex number: 155-1

Name: Cyndaquil (Hisui) 

Type(s): Fire/Ghost

Bonuses: Physical +0  Special +1


[Flame Body]: Physical fighting by or against this pokemon that deals damage also burns the opponent’s pokemon.

Trick Types: Fire, Dark, Ghost


Dex number: 156

Name: Quilava

Type(s): Fire

Bonuses: Physical +2  Special +2


[Flame Body]: Physical fighting by or against this pokemon that deals damage also burns the opponent’s pokemon.

[Intimidate]: Opponent pokemon have -2 to physical fighting rolls while this pokemon is active.

Trick Types: Fire, Normal, Ghost, Rock


Dex number: 156-1

Name: Quilava (Hisui)

Type(s): Fire

Bonuses: Physical +1  Special +2


[Flame Body]: Physical fighting by or against this pokemon that deals damage also burns the opponent’s pokemon.

Trick Types: Fire, Dark, Ghost, Flying


Dex number: 157

Name: Typhlosion 

Type(s): Fire

Bonuses: Physical +3  Special +4


[Flame Body]: Physical fighting by or against this pokemon that deals damage also burns the opponent’s pokemon.

[Intimidate]: Opponent pokemon have -2 to physical fighting rolls while this pokemon is active.

Trick Types: Fire, Normal, Ghost, Rock, Steel, Flying, Fighting


Dex number: 157-1

Name: Typhlosion (Hisui)

Type(s): Fire/Ghost

Bonuses: Physical +1  Special +4


[Flame Body]: Physical fighting by or against this pokemon that deals damage also burns the opponent’s pokemon.

[Eternal Flame]: When this pokemon would take any number of hits, and has two hits already, flip a coin, on heads, it does not take any. Water type pokemon do not get a bonus against this pokemon due to type.

Trick Types: Fire, Dark, Ghost, Flying, Rock, Steel


I'm considering giving every pokemon in the module a dex entry but I also worry about bloating up the book so I'm only giving them to new pokemon. 

Make sure to tell me how it goes! Love Feedback!

This inspired me to make my own pokemon solo game! Check it out!

This has actually inspired me to make my own pokemon RPG.