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A member registered Aug 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love playing this game I laughed when Gus looked at the picture and was wondering what one of the staff members was holding keep up the good work do want see if you do make another game and more comics big thumbs up

(2 edits)

I understand needing space to work because of the rude comments and understanding that being along is taking it's toll your game Far Beyond the World is a fun and touching game I got sad when the characters feelings got hurt like the Human and Ranok I feel like Vulgor cares about the Human but does not want to show it, but he dose because he gave the Human a Pup-Name Piglet I was heart broke when Ranok got scared thinking he had dong somthing awful to the Human and left the room scared I wanted to give Ranok a hug to help him feel better I was just like Ranok scared of others knowing about my secret the first person I told they did not mind it the person only cared about that I was happy for being myself and that I'm a good person the person had nothing against homosexuals it made me feel happy knowing there are some who would not judge you by what your into but only judge you by your behavior to others

I loved it, it is a good fun VN to play I played others that are similar to this one like Badtime Stories, House of Beef and others

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I see myself when choosing if Vulgor or Ranok should stab me to look like I was attacked I would not let Ranok do it because he is so kind and not Vulgor because he swore on his Moon Stone not to harm me but I would ask Vulgor to show me where I would be stabbed and take his Dagger and stab myself and start cutting my arms and legs before I pass out from the pain to look like I was left for dead after a brawl I know it would hurt Ranok's heart for doing it and surprise Verissa that I stabbed my self and Vulgor would think I was going to attack them as soon as I take his Dagger that would be tricky thing to pull off because of how fast and strong Vulgor is

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Graphic novels are fun just like those classic choose your own adventure books I can't remember my first graphic novel I played was ether Sam & Max or Back to the Future the Game for the PS3 or The Wolf Among us Telltale Games or some other graphic novel like this one

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I love it I could see myself if I was in that position I would think of the void to get my heart to race at the feast to help play the part and flinch when any of the other Wolves would try to touch me and movie away when they would get close to help show I don't know what they are saying and that I am scared of them but not Ranok

I was confused when I was young because I had trouble understanding if I was straight or not

then I finally found out that I was Bisexual, I was feeling miserable thinking I was straight, when I turned between 15 and 17 my Mother was the first person I told she didn't mind that I was Bisexual, I then told my sister and brothers they to didn't mind, it felt better accepting who I was, I would wait a few years before I told my friends they don't mind at all they would see in front of them someone who is a good friend.

That display looks good it looks like your playing the game on a Game Boy that's pretty cool

(double thumbs up)