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A member registered Mar 22, 2021

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okay just saw that u used sötnos later lolz <33 but yeah if u want more petnames in swedish feel free to reach out !! <3

hii !! so im actually swedish and was so surprised when isra said some swedish words, tho i must say that "sötma" isnt used as a pet name or like really at all in conversations "sötnos" would be better if u wanted like "sweetie" or sumn <33 really intresting game and cant wait for more! <33

ahh thank u !! i played it way back actually just didnt get the connection in the game lolz was to busy thinking of movies <33

i really liked it !! will for sure love it even more when all the sprites are complete <33 cant wait lolz <3

hii !! maybe im stupid but im trying to figure out what the real name of the third horror movie is? or did u just make it up? <33

ahh the art is so good and apparently yapping works in this game which is fun cuz i do that when im nervous <3 but when they want u to write ur name its written in spanish even tho i chose the english version, obvs not a big deal but just if u wanted to know !! fav rn is unum only cuz the spark in his eyes when i yapped lolz <33 so excited for more !! (definitely the maybe nsfw too)

hi !! i played this when it was just a demo and also when it was complete <33 i bought the dlc now as well but im missing 4 pictures in the gallery and i was wondering if someone could tell me how to get them? <3 its the two last ones and the two between the flowers and the bed gcs <33

oh wow was not at all prepared for the twist !! sure definitely noticed some attitued from some of the characters but wow what a plot twist !! So excited for the full game even tho i cant really see a "happy ending" for now lmaoo lucky me i like horror romance <33

it worked after like 3 tries !! but yah probably some bug :(

hi !! loved the game, so cute <33 tho when i try to do a new game from the beginning it wont load after the email is sent, like the cupid app doesnt show up at all and i can only see the comuter background :(( sucks cuz i wanna do the different route as well <33

hi !! loved the game, just wanted to say that there is a bug where it keeps going back to deans consultation after the credits and then to credits just to go back to dean again over and over, had to close the game completely to exit sadly. Love the characters and trying to match them up <33

ahh thank u !! i complimented his eyes this time so that’s probably why lolz <33

i think its only in english !! ive at least not gotten the chpice to choose language <3

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hiii !! its been a while since i played this but im 99% sure that Qiu called mc cute in the classroom after the school-day was over (i think it was when they talked about the group thing?) buuut i didnt get that this time, does anyone remember what u have to do so they do say that? thanks a bunch <33

it was !! im excited for any future game u'll make and until then i'll continue to replay this game <33

this is apparently my first comment on this game, i was SO sure that i had commented before lolz. anywayyys i always come back to this game to replay it, ive had it since u first posted it! its such a cute game and the squeal i let out when i saw that there was an update !! iggy is so so cute and precious and i like mc as well <33 thank u so much for such a cute and wholesome game that i will continue to replay in the future <3 

lots of love to u !!

okay thank you !! <33

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its the 4.4 mac version since that’s the one on here <33 tha screenshot doesn’t wanna be uploaded for some reason but its the cg under the “merchants” and over the child on the second page <3

ahh thats weird cuz i did his route first and also played it again with another "species"(?) to see how it would change some points in the story, is it perhaps a "bad" ending gc or something? <3

so so so cute !! cant wait for more <33 love the colours and all the designs of the characters but also everything else <3 

lots of love to u <3

love this game !! been here since the start, duke of the north?? count me in lmaoo tho there are 3 cgs that i dont have which are the 3 last ones, are  those available rn or are they for the completed game? <33

AHH OMG ITS FINISHED??? i remember playing the demo when it first came out and loved it !! tried exploring everything and doing all the missions etc. 

am sadly a broke student so cant afford to buy the game rn but i will in the future !!

congrats to u and lots of love <33

loved this game !! especially excited for ulysses complete route cuz hes so cute <33 how come Izaiha doesnt have one tho? like not one thats only half way there like some of the other guys? <3 also there are 4 cgs that i havent gotten, are those locked for the future routes or i have missed something?

lots of love to u !! <33

it worked when i tried again later so its okay <33 tho i have another question, theres one cg that i havent gotten and its the 8th one on the 2nd page, how do i get that one? <33

hii !! love this game, but with braums i dont get the option to read the letter is that just me? <3

hi babes !! found this and it might help <3

but yeah be nice and flirty and a bit bold and u should be fine !! 

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tbh i really don’t remember much cuz it’s been a long time since i played it, but i went with my gut feeling, and was like “what answer would i have wanted if i was him” but mostly sweet and nice answers !! but also some that were more serious i think?? so sorry that i can’t really help :( might try to play it again so i can see tho !! <3

Edit: sadly it seems like the app has been deleted from AppStore in my country so i cant help :((

was about to play this but then i read the comments and i can NOT handle angst and sad endings, so not today </3

try putting on headphones !! it worked for me when i had the same problem <3

sometimes it works if u put on headphones instead of having the sound as normal <3

ahh makes sense!! sorry that i just assumed it was genshin only :( the games really cool and refreshing!! can’t wait for more <33

just started playing it !! love the genshin references lmaoo first i was like huh this has to be a coincidence but then i just found it funny <33

hi !! for some reason i cant download it on my mac? something about "can not read property build of undifined" idk if its possible to fix this somehow since i really wanna play the demo <3

for me it was when i chose to not skip the class and sol walked me to the class <3

loved ur other games as well !! will for sure play all ur future games as well !! lots of love to u <3

really?? i did get that one bad ending in the tunnel as well but not another ending for him lolz <33

hi !! i cant seem to get past day one, idk if its cuz i make some wrong choices or if the build or something isnt updated? im playing on a mac btw <33 would love to play the new update but rn its the same as the old demo for me and itch says that my version is the latest :(

loved this game !! started with micah and then went with aurel and lastly lark <33 loved all the routes so much but i do actually think i prefer larks route cuz it felt deeper somehow? and all the kisses lolz <33


was so sad that andy died in michas route :(( like actually was about to cry cuz thats awful, happy that they didnt die in the other routes, but i wonder why they did in michas? maybe i missed something or it was just for the plot lolz.

anyways this was such a great game and ill definitely play it again in the future!! lots of love from me to u mwah <333

loved this !! theyre all so handsome and pretty i blush <3 also mc is literally so beautiful omg, loved that we could choose how she would look as well !! excited for the full game <33

ps: also going to check out ur other games and keep myself updated about future projects !! u have such a big talent and im so glad i stumbled up on this game <3 

again lots of love to u mwah <33