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Naila Morrison

A member registered Mar 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing my game and for your kind words! I'm really glad you enjoyed the story and felt moved by it. I know the controls are unclear at places but this was a small project I made in less than a day. Hope I can make better ones in the future :) thanks again! 

Hi, not sure what happened to the file but I've uploaded it again! Let me know if you have any issues. 

Hi Angelique,

Firstly, thank you so much for playing my game. I really enjoyed watching your playthrough and I am so happy that you appreciated what I am trying to do with this particular game. I chose to have the focus on domestic violence through the lens of animal abuse, to highlight just how cruel the perpetrators can really be. I am an animal lover too and I like to think that in a way, it brings attention to both issues. This project was made in a day as it was for a class, but I am definitely looking to do more serious games in the future.

Thank you again for taking the time to play.


Thank you, please let me know how you felt about the experience after playing.

"The Life of a Dog" is a short 5-minute experience with a powerful message; aimed at raising awareness of issues we don't always think about.

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