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A member registered Jan 27, 2021

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hello, what is new? the description above is outdated (mentions 0.1 as current version) and i don't see a changelog

what is different in 0.2?

This is a very intriguing one with a nice genre mix and a lot of potential.  I recommend!

for those interested here an update: free demo is said to be released on April 30th.

no error for me, but at a certain point later on i get back to the title screen without warning. (end of current content?)
anyway, kinda silly but cute game.

(4 edits)

"Was that the stuff that annoyed you?"
note that i'm not the one that started complaining. i've seen the map in the folder, but just wanted to point out that this would probably not be the best part to lock away. btw i don't think the theme/genre is the issue here.
EDIT: your game can also be found at f95zone

kinda off-topic, but how are things going with the  priority realignment game?
i love status effects...

perhaps looking at your competition (discord, patreon,..) on how they manage premium content woud be worthwile, or just in general to make more people aware of your game. for how you currently do the premium stuff, i woud suggest to not lock away something fundamental like a map or dom/sub choices from the free players, but taking a different approach instead.

(2 edits)

makes sense and thanks for the update. i'll be patient like a good boy.

will 0.4 be up here eventually?

yes, the free 0.02pc version. there is no error, just blackness instead of a combat pose, so it switches from nothing to attack art and back.
the grind wasn't too bad, just repetitive for mentioned reasons. maybe make it a bit more gradual though, the final jump from 100 to 300 feels out of place. and you have some odd moments when you have enough hp left to finish a fight, but have to run back since you have no more mana to keep attacking.

not bad so far.
art during boss fight is missing. (it's in the folder but doesn't show up)
saying no to a level up (at least after you got to 300) doesn't work as the question just shows up again.
dungeon navigation with WASD or arrow keys.
directly "attacking" without using mana, perhaps with recoil damage.
giving each lady at least one unique feature/move.

great, i'll wait and try it tomorrow then.

(1 edit)

seems like it is. gonna take a look at it soon.

nice to see you well and doing your own game now. i stumbled over a single error so far (when you let ashley and sarah decide on going left or right). 

gentle touch heals her for exactly 500 every time and i had it happen that she used it twice in a row at the start of the match

maybe i'm missing something, but isn't it a little broken when some enemies can spam heals for 500hp while you do only a little more than 100 damage, and perhaps 200-300 with limits or items? feels like it requires a ton of rng to win against those enemies (hope, in my case)

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as a fan of nightgames i really like this game, even if i'd prefer a male protagonist. anyway, in this version i found something that i think isn't intended: training luck at the waterfall doesn't reduce social drive at all. not that i mind it, but it may mess with the balance of the AI. for Val i think something needs to be changed. while i don't mind that she is such a tease, it seems like as of now it just hurts her.
also a few questions: are traders implemented yet, or do they require certain settings (like futa)? i haven't seen one yet. also: i read something about hypnosis. is that just the skill from the succubus or did i miss something?
anyway, great game so far. i'll keep an eye on this for sure. best of luck!