Cool. Please keep me updated on your progress.
Have a blessed day today... in Jesus name!!!!!!!
Per my last comments 16 days ago, will there be an update to the StarWars.p8 file anytime soon that also includes the first stage of battle above the Death Star fighting off the Tie Fighters or is this the only version that will be available? Also there is only one level. When you blow up the Death Star in the first level that seems to be as far as you can go.
Would you PLEASE provide a response? A yes, no, or maybe response will AT LEAST let me know where things stand. Thank you and have a blessed day.... in Jesus name!!!!!
Any help from ANYBODY would greatly be appreciated. I just want to know how to open the sw4.p8 file. I installed Pico-8, I double click on the sw4.p8 file located in my Pico root directory, and upon starting the pico-8 program at the prompt I type in "load sw4.p8" and get a not found error message. Please can someone help me here?
Also Kudos on an AWESOME Tutorial section. It seems these days too many Game Developers leave off a good tutorial section which really affects a positive gaming experience. This point is obviously something you did not take for granted when setting up this game!!!!! At the risk of being redundant...... Great Job on an AWESOME GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for your detailed explanation. I was able to get in with just email validation and am now enjoying the game!!! You are to be commended for a wonderful job on Content Creation along with Development of what appears to be an AWESOME GAME!!!!! Have a blessed day today.... in Jesus name!!!!!!!!!!!
The thing that keeps me from going forward is that when I launch the program, I see a Steam Log in section. I want to run the program without having to validate my email address or log in to Steam..... like most stand alone programs that are on IO that I can just install and enjoy without having to jump through all the hoops that are set up for this game. I would really like to play this game so if you decide to remove all the requirements on the start up page.... please dont hesitate to get back to me at that time. Thank you so much and have a blessed day today.... in Jesus name!!!!!!!!
A screen grab of the keyboard controls needed for this game would be very helpful... Would love to play it more but without the need for "hunt and peck" on the keyboard trying different keys to see what works and what doesnt work. i.e. Press A to activate the elevator..... WRONG..... its E that activates the elevator.