is that kita from bocchi???
looking super forward to it!!!(if i get the steam key i will be extremely occupied in playing)
wow ty, if you are could you add a button on the screen to toggle the edit mode and the worlds? thank you!! ♡
will there be a mobile version of the game for the upcoming steam release?
i know this may sound inpolite, but can i have a steam key? i really like fell in love with the game and i quite literally cant stop playing. id love to have one but its ok if you decline thank you <33
silly mountains
i would love one! tysm
tnx alot! btw will the next version of the game be free or be paid?
hi, do you have a version thats downloadable?
i broke the game lo
can you add a dark mode to the mod? my eyes are kinda burning but love the mod no hate on it just asking for a dark mode.