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A member registered Jun 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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this was a really cute idea, i enjoyed it a lot

(1 edit)

no luck on safari, but chrome worked great (if anyone is having trouble try chrome) - the game is adorable, great job!

this game was really fun, love the art style and visual fx

the movement mechanics are insanely well polished for a game jam. ledge grabbing, in 4 days???? awesome stuff. World space shaders looked cool too.

I really liked the music!! I see other comments not enjoying it, but the game felt short and sweet! Great job!!

hey i'm trying to play your game but it isnt loading, i'm on firefox. Any suggestion?

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I’m a programmer, I’m much more comfortable with unity andI have never used godot before, but I would love to work with you!

thanks so much! Yeah didn’t have much time after building the level creation mechanics, I wish I could have added more levels :(

Art was soooo good.

Haha, well played

Thanks so much!!

Thank you. I am a 18 yr old solo dev and the art really cut into my time, becuase  i never really do it. I hope the jank i didn't have time to fix isnt too bad

Thanks, way to exhausted to go fix it, sorry