To add on to the last comment: You need to host your images somewhere other than discord now. There was a semi-recent update that made it so eventually links to discord images no longer work after a while. Why? To reduce "server costs" I guess.
But yeah the images no longer work because of that.
Recent community posts
Oh don't worry I'm sure that it will! Considering the 1st playthrough was my "good boy" playthrough I basically avoided all the kinky stuff, I didn't even look at entire systems (The disenchanting/accessory binding stuff) plus I didn't 100% the game either so I'm sure I'll wander into some new things I didn't even find in the first playthrough!
I was curious about something though are you guys planning on working on Grove? Or are you going to focus on Prowler as it is a paid product? Or maybe you're just going to jump in between them whenever the inspiration hits for either? Note that I don't mind either way! I'm just curious, seeing anything from you is great!
Hey Just finished playthrough 1! I really enjoyed it it was very good! I was surprised with how many systems were in the game and how long it was. I don't really have many complaints besides near the end of the game it can be kind of confusing how to proceed as the Rep system was introduced as more of an optional thing and not only thing but it just takes a good chunk of grinding and just going back into the 3rd area over and over again before you can actually beat the game. But that's about my only complaint! It's a good excuse to get some nice armor and cosmetics at the very least as well. The game is basically everything I wanted it to be! Some standout features: I really liked all the varieties of looks Kivu can get due to all the armor and statuses, there was a surprising variety of weapons! I was very surprised when I saw I could replace the claw, there was also a lot more npcs with cool designs than I was expecting as well!
Getting ready to do the next playthrough with the special bonus thing on and totally not losing to everything intentionally. ;P
(Note I beat it on v0.105 just for posterity)
This game was really good and I hope it gets expanded into more! The animations and art was soo good and it was a massive upgrade from the original prototype! Especially the Game Over animation, I let myself get so many Game Overs in multiple different spots just cuz I was hoping to possibly find another Game Over animation like the one that's in the game, the sound and artwork for it was just sooo good I really hope there's more stuff like that if the game ever gets updated more! ^^;
But even besides the art the gameplay is fun if a little basic! I'd love something to spice it up in later updates too, again, if there's more to be seen later on. The health recovery mechanic is also very interesting with how you need to risk being defeated instantly to actually recover HP, though I believe that was actually in the original prototype.
I do hope to eventually see more out of this someday, and I wait excitedly for it! ^^