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A member registered Jan 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

There is a spawn limit at any given time, which equals 6 + (10 / difficulty). Maybe some enemies clipped out of bounds, didn't get deleted properly or maybe just hid in the level. I didn't really test the spawn limit all that much.  I just adapted one of my public libraries during the last day (and was made on a plain text editor lol).  

I completely forgot about the clipping issues, it is due to the hull being too far away from the rotation axis of the cabin

The UI MAY clip out of bounds at certain resolutions due to how the shaders work (they depend on the PoV from the camera). Just another thing i didn't get the time to make as stable as i wanted.

Thanks for the feedback :). It makes fixing things way easier. 


I tought i had fixed the explosion.gif issue, but i had an issue importing the sprites and it broke the animation. In fact, it broke the entire code related to it, but Godot managed to mitigate it into just stopping the function in it's tracks (which may mean the enemies are not running the full death code as well) 

I did not get to see enemies fly into the air in my tests, they have the capability to fly due to being copies of the player with an AI attached onto them, but they are not supposed to use it since they do not take the player's Y position into account when trying to follow (didn't have time to test the AI with that capability so i removed it for this release).  

I think mines are missing a model, actually. Since i was using debug view i located them with the collision viewer, but i forgor to give them an actual model.

The rockets where pretty OP but i didn't want to nerf them with just a couple of hours left in the jam. It was feature freeze by then.    

As for graphics, i didn't even try, i spent so much time developing a randomly generated level (which got scrapped) that i decided to focus solely on gameplay. The level was meant to be a desolate range of snowy hills with some bunkers and bases spread among them. The level in the final game was put togheter in a day when that plan failed and it shows.  

It says i'm missing libstdc++-6.dll

(2 edits)

You can change layers with R and F (should be in the Help section in the pause menu)

The game was not intended for touch controls, it is something that i'm looking to try in the future so i can make an Android release too.  

Puzzles don't really have a limit for the sides but max height/layers is 50. Still, keep in mind puzzles of that size can have a significant performance impact (i'm pretty sure it's due to the simplistic aproach i took).

The grid in the editor is purely visual and only really updates when loading a puzzle, main reason is that puzzle size does not have a set limit (aside from layers) so it would need to recheck the size every time you change a tile to update properly. It's a low priority thing rn.   

I was working on a re-usable key remapper but i had difficulty integrating it into the options menu since it builds itself from your config file (and it's difficult to build itself from something like "buttons"). I was working on a different project, but when the remapper is ready for that one, i can port it to this game.

Same with other features, i'm planning on updating the buggy code with stuff from the new game when i have it.  


Thanks for the feedback tho. I'm also glad the Linux version doesn't self destruct or anything.

If you do not provide info about he error it is impossible to help you, what does it say?

Sopa du macaco uma delicia

The game does not have any captcha

Link does not load

(1 edit)

Use a mapper like XPadder

If they where to port it they would obviously add native support

Guitar Hero 3 could be played on a controller, altho the triggers of the PS3 and PS4 are worse for that purpose

the image expired

Download the mod again and reinstall, trying to fix it manually seems like a poor idea

My PC from 2004 is running it at 63 FPS (the cap)

Maybe try unplugging your Floppy Disk tray 

low RAM or old GPU

Does NOT matter who does it, the marketplace fees must still be paid by someone, you can't just upload your game.

You have to ask permission to pay for a spot in it to Sony themselves

Xbox only lets you skip the dev kit costs, all the other costs i mentioned are still there

(1 edit)

That is not how it works, Sony isn't gonna appear and say "hey, get your game in our store and we'll pay for it"

At best he can ask "Hey, can i buy a dev kit and port my game to your store?" and if he gets a yes he would have to pay again to put the game up

Then he would have to give 30% of his earnings to Sony as well just for having his game in their store

go to a discord channel then

I would like to remind you that only roblox itself can grant robux, any site that's not affiliated with them can't do shit to give you any

Quizzes for prizes are the oldest scam in the book

The only thing you're gonna achieve by spamming someone's channel randomly is grant him dislikes, stop


This sounds like an obvious scam

It means the download isn't done yet or an error ocurred, check the download list of your browser (usually with CTRL+J)

oh wow, he changed his nickname, what a surprise


Get a better PC or just download the game

This isn't a chat hub

And you got downvoted lol, these kids actually got mad for being asked to pay for work

more like cringy but to each their own i guess

just to spite you, and you fall for it, lol

Damn, it's been less than a year and this community is already worse than Undertale's

I hope that when the little kids are spooked by the mature content that will change

It IS a joke, you are asking to destroy a dam with a rubber band while workers are reinforcing it, the only thing you're doing is annoy people

I'm not hating on you, i think it is pretty sweet you take this stance, but it is also very naive and it isn't accomplishing anything other than fueling the toxicity itself

"i dont think so  the internet is a toxic place" It is, if it wasn't you wouldn't need to change it

And no, you alone won't be able to change it, if you want to have a ghost of a chance, get people from various communities and start a movement, you doing it alone it's not just annoying, but completely useless

ALSO, this forum is filled with kids so ofc it will be toxic

What the neko said

I heard that most people cannot get the 32 bit version to work

ALSO, the game chugs VRAM apparently so you need a GPU with some actual VRAM

ofc not, it is a game about a guy singing like a Teletubby while facing flash animation characters, it isn't meant to be serious

Also, this is the internet, not a court, let people have fun

Seriously? are you high?

It's filled with little kids so it figures

There is a hotkey for using the older icon, i think it was 3 or 4 in the keyboard, only works in-game

Audacity should work i believe

The demo of FL studio should work too, you can also just do it the "Yar Har" way 

Grab any song's vocal track, cut out the part where the boyfriend makes a noise and save it to it's own file


Keep in mind that each noise the BF makes is different since they are being sung by a person, and it varies per note

The hitboxes are pretty generous, for perfect presses they are a bit more difficult (which is intentional), but otherwise  they are fine

Remember that since this is a music game, you can use the rhythm to guide your button presses