I need to write this.
Thanks for all developers team for the help bringed to me.
I receive the new download key and im already registered.
See you all ingame! ^^
Hi chulini, thx for all attention.
I use the email provided on https://mego.cl/contact. (support@mego.cl)
Im going to send the email to the new direction.
Thanks for all, and have a good day! ^^
(re1: The email direction sended on the email is the same that what i want to put ingame.)
Hi, i recently buy a copy of Hammercoin and i have a problem with it.
When i put the "Register Key" and when finish selecting all, at the nickname selection page, the launcher brokes, and the window was closed.
After all i try to use the "download key" again but a text appear saying: "The download key you entered is invalid or already been used.
So i think my account was created. I try to log in, and it fails. I try to recover my password entering my email and its fail too on the launcher. So now, i try it on the "forgot password web" and it says to me that no one account is asociated with my email account.
I write to support email but theres no answer.
(Ofcourse i got all invoices)
Thanks for your attention.