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A member registered Nov 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Glad you like it! Threadlinkers is a system that I've developed myself. After this post was made, I changed the name to Spells and Streetlights. I kept the same domain for the website though, There you can find the digital character creator as well as the core rules document. It's all free. If you're interested in joining a game, I host one shots on my discord server: Some of my original playtesters are also preparing their own campaigns, so you can ask around.

I'm glad you like it! I love to see people appreciate my work. If you ever end up using it in a game, let me know how it works.

Thank you for the complement. A rule of thumb I typically use is that for every hour of play, you hand out 1 combat and 1 non-combat wealth, to a maximum of 5 wealth per session of play. Though, depending on the pace of your game, this might or might not work so good. My sessions typically involves about 45% chatting with NPCs, 30% exploration, and 25% combat. I'll work this guideline into the next release.