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A member registered Dec 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I had a lot of fun with this game! Good job!

Loved this game so much because I have a huge fear of spiders so this kept me tensed, good job!

Wow this game was freaking terrifying! I loved every second of it! Really really good job!

I got really into the game and hoping to go into the basement because that would have been awesome! Good job and thank you

This game was very fun and unique! 

I loved everything about this game! very suspenseful and terrifying! Good job!


The sounds in the game were creepy and overall I loved this game! Very good job!

At first I was so confused on how to move so I just pressed random buttons to figure it out and I really love the idea of using Q and E to move, because it made the game more challenging and scary!

This game got me a few times and creeped me out, the graphics were really good in this game! It was a very good demo and good Job!

The game was very fun and really creepy, very good job and I love the way the game is designed!

Even though the game was short I had a good time playing it and I got jump scared towards the end because I did not expect that. Good job on the game :)

I enjoyed this game and that was a really cool twist because we were the zombie the whole time! Very good game!

This game was very fun and the graphics look so good as well! I am going to be playing this more because the game is that fun! Very good job!


This game was very good and it made me jump quite a bit. I encountered one bug when I got stuck in the door. But other than that it was a pretty solid game and scary!

This game scared the crap out of me and I love the 90's style. I enjoyed so much of this game and you should really make another game with the 90's style :)

I was so happy to see a game like this finally show up on here! I had so much fun playing this game I wish it was a huge story mode and it was just very fun and amazing because I love dinosaurs and when I saw this game I was super excited to play it!

This game was so good and scared the crap out of me like what the heck it was so good! Good job on the game it was very good and I made a gameplay video of it!

The game was really good and creepy! I love the concept that there is no escape and it just keeps looping over and over! Very good game! Check out the gameplay and Subscribe:)

(1 edit)

I really love the short story and style of the game. It was really fun to play and I am gonna play more because 


I chose the wrong person and killed ma instead of the skinwalker

I really enjoyed this little short game I didn't think it was a horror game till the very end and it was very nice!

This one made me jump and I love the short horror game!!

The game had a huge twist and I was very shocked! It was very good and suspenseful


This was a very interesting short horror game. I love the mannequin model and the sounds you used very good game and I enjoyed it!!!

This game really scared me and freaked me out! It was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot!!!

The game was unsettling and very creepy. Overall it was a fun short horror game!!!


I actually didn't think I would get jump scared

but I did but overall it was a very fun short game!!!

It was such a fun game and really suspenseful. This game has a lot of potential!!!


This was a very fun short game, I really love the music in the beginning. Good job!

I really love this game even though it is short I love the idea of a cooking horror game!!! Good Job!

I enjoyed this little game and it was fun getting the gun

This game really made me jump and it was such a fun experience!!! I love it


I II live the game it was very good

I love the game it was very good and I really like the retro style.

Jumpscares got me and I really had fun with this game!

It was a very good and suspenseful game, I really enjoyed it!