pro - like the enemies movement script.
con - game to short. it wasn't clear where you were going.
Pros - like the concept and the lighting in the game
cons - the game to good
pro - like the idea
con - could make the camera further away and the killing easier.
pro - good game design.
con - the character spins when you hit the doors
pro- I like the game stile.
con - not much to do. could but exit game button.
pro - like the stamina feature.
con - the sensitivity is to high. could make maze bigger.
pros - spooky
Con - could fix the camera position and make the platforms a little bigger.
PRO - like the timer
CON - skildi ekki tilganginn af leiknum.
PRO- dash er cool
CON- þegar þú tapar spawnar þú í byrjun