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nate fox

A member registered Nov 16, 2019

Recent community posts

Hi i just wanted to say great game i played and got the fighting ending but if i chose the be a slut and go stealthy in the second playthrough it gives the same ending so i wanted to ask on how to get the entertainment route or even get the job in the bar  

any new updates coming in ?

cant wait for june 

this all looks so great i cant wait to try it 

I think its all good news and the game development can take as long as it needs as long as you are happy with the final product and i know it will be as amazing as the first one even better judging from the previews :)

SOOO.... Any new updates on the development progress ?can't wait for what's coming next;)

i really love this game i think that you did a great job i just wish if there was a skill or an item to fight off the lust build up but other than that its a wonderful project and i am excited for the nesxt update ;)