Thanks for that! Not sure what my issue was with seeing the repo. But I'm still having an issue -
Thanks for that! Not sure what my issue was with seeing the repo. But I'm still having an issue -
Is this set to private?
All I get is a 404 error.
Any chance of the raw QBasic file - so it can be run on a Mac or Linux with - Or maybe a web version with ?
It's completable, but could use some fixes (such as occasionally getting stuck on a ladder, which is why I added a restart level option). See Bugs List
Writing it was a learning process that I'm glad some players have enjoyed and given suggestions on. I'll happily take any help to make it better. I've made the source code available for any who might be interested.
I noticed that several of the entries were produced in Twine. Although I can't claim the games I uploaded do anything special worth learning from I have collected and - in some cases - created Twine tips and tricks that may be of use.
There are also some general Twine, CYOA and JavaScript game design resources I put together.
I'd love to hear about other helpful resources anyone would like to share.