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Nathan Mercier

A member registered Sep 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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So good! Usually not fan of "think how to push the block" kind of challenge, but in this one it was the perfect amount of difficulty to not fry my head on the levels! I wish there was an undo button when you block the box against a wall! And a nice music in the background would have been the cherry on top. Other than that, the gameplay is good, and the art is nice (those smooth transitions mmmmh).

I couldn't really play the game unfortunately. The tutorial overlapped so it wasn't clear what i had to do, and i was randomly killed. Also i had the same bug than TheSeahorse. Aside that, it was a good effort !

Nice! Really liked the concept ! Wish my bullets were a bit bigger because my aim really suck. But that's on me! I loved the fx with the laser thingy, looked super cool! Could shoot those blue circles for days. 

No checkpoints ? Oh god, my skill are not good enough man ! Achieved to go to the red boss but he destroyed me. Otherwise the game was quite fun. And the indications on top : super handy. Didn't mind the delay when fighting as human, and found it pretty natural. I also really liked that spirit things. Pretty fun to play !

Art and musics are good ! So much that i was frustrated when i died because i couldn't hear the music!  I am a bit of a casual gamer and oh god this game is hard. And it would have help a ton if "press space to add people in the line" would have been indicated somewhere. But fun little game nonetheless!

10/10 would conga again.
No but more seriously, it was a great fun little game ! A bit lost at first but you quickly get the hang of it. (The work of the conga works in mysterious ways).
I did find it a bit repetitive, the sound of the glass shatering was a tad too lourd and i wish i could see which house i robbed without having to check. But i did finish it and my line was the entire street ! Fun time.