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A member registered Jan 30, 2023

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Sure, I understand that 🙂
Oh, that's fantastic to hear! Hope I'm not the only person having a soft spot for him 😄💖

Keep up the good work, I've really enjoyed playing the demo version 👍

(3 edits)

Is MC able to date Mr. Davis and have some romantic situations with him? I love this man, he's so caring and cute ^^ While he was helping MC with her photography skills there was clearly a tension between them. But he's not listed separately in the gallery with CGs, so I wondered if it's actually possible to have a romantic and maybe sexual relationship as well with him?

Also, do you already know when is the game going to be finished? Or is it too early to ask about that 😉?

Is Mr. Davis available right now as a love interest? I've only played "one month" and he's been the sweetest guy as yet 💗

Gosh, I'm so happy to hear that 🥰

I assure you, your team did it far more than just right! The result of your work is perfect, 200% of commitment and passion 💖💖💖 

She's an incredibly talented artist 🤩 The greenhouse is absolutely a gorgeous job. I wished so badly to be there and expose all my senses to that place 💚

I blame you for my obsession with Ray and wishing he was real xD Caring, funny, gentle, flirtatious, intelligent, passionate... and many other positive adjectives describing that dream boyfriend 😅

You deserve all the praise. My emotions were desperately begging to be expressed the minute I finished a given route 😉 I was looking for some other romantic visual novels but you set the bar so high that it's really difficult now to enjoy those games without comparing the experience with your masterwork 😭💗

Especially when we get to love the characters! Then the happy ending is all that I need. But when it comes to Eric, I don't mind a bad ending. His bad ending. I really like Hanna - she deserves all the best 😄
Yay! Happy to know someone who's also into good romance stories and age gaps 😃 Your husband is probably an exceptional man since you've chosen him regardless of your age preferences 💗 And true, life never ceases to surprise us.

Same here. I love happy endings 💖 Plus, in that case I prefer them to be romantic 😉 I am kind of curious about Eric's route though but am not sure if I'm emotionally prepared to check out every single route (I'd rather play Ray's romantic route all over again than try the friendship one 😅).

I'm in my mid 20s and I was always into relationships with an age gap. I really appreciate that each of those guys is interesting and so different from one another 😀

(1 edit)

Alright, I finished Ray's route yesterday. Guys, you almost murdered me! I thought my heart would explode with all the excitement 😆💗💗💗

I don't even know where to start...
I love the absolutely awesome writing and gorgeous CGs 😍😍😍 It had a bit of a drama from Edgar's route and the passion from Hanson's one. I can't stop thinking of literally every single interaction between Hanna and Ray. 

The thing that I probably appreciate the most is that their relationship was both super friendly and lustful. I mean, they are definitely soulmates, they share common interests, they genuinely enjoy their conversations. At the same time, they desire the closeness, they're hungry for each other's touch. Just wow... 
Ray's personality is perfect for me 😭🥵🤩 Also, seeing him blush for the first time was so shocking and cute 😲😊

My favourite scenes? The whole car ride - it made me blush so hard and squeak inwardly 😍🤭 "Drive home?" "Mine or yours?" XDDD That line killed me. 
Hanna seeing Ray's house and greenhouse for the first time. I love the interior design of his house - I feel like I could live there happily ^^ The greenhouse experience was simply stunning 💚💚💚 
And of course their foreplay scene. I guess I don't need to develop my thoughts on that 😳😅

To sum up. My view is that Ray's romantic route is the ultimate true route for Hanna 😄 I had a great time with the other ones but what I mean is that I can totally imagine Ray and Hanna live a sweet life together. The amount of positive emotions I have about them overflows my soul 💕 I'll need to wait a longer time before trying to play the rest of the routes 😭😉

I may say that you made an excellent job but it certainly doesn't express all my gratitude, admiration and impact left 💖💖💖🤗

P.S. Only now have I realized how much I enjoy Christy and Thomas's presence. They are such cheerful and crazy persons 😃🥰

True, I should've expected that 🤣
I am a simple woman. No matter how much romantic content with Ray is offered - I take any amount available 💗💗💗

You're very welcome!!! I'll share my feelings again when I finish the doctor's route 😊

I like that "the game contains sexual themes" warning in particular 😏😆 Ray my dear, I'm coming for you!!!

You guys are the best 🥰 I love the fact that you are so accesible and answer our comments with the same excitement as ours 😃 It's so clear you're passionate about what you do!

After playing the game and seeing all your hard work put into it, I'm sure I'm gonna love it 💗💗💗😃 The doctor will be mine 😎😂

I can't wait to play Ray's route 😍 Sweet picture 😁

The pleasure's all mine 😁 Your team absolutely deserve such words 💗

I'm sure I'll be thinking about Edgar's story for a long time to come! So much pain, so much sadness and in the end - cleansing tears. It was beautiful 😭

Yeah, I've noticed many people are slobbering over them as well 😅 They're definitely something else. Ray literally made me blush after every single flirty line of his 😳

It's the tv ads and romantic gifts in shops that don't let me forget the day is coming 😆 That's ok. It's obvious you put a lot of work into it and it definitely takes certain amount of time to make everything look the way you want it to. We'll all wait patiently 😎👍

OMG, you've scared me already 😬

Thank you so much for that info!😀

You're most welcome 💚💚💚 I know very well from my own experience that every positive feedback is greatly motivating and gives so much satisfaction from the work done. And since I enjoyed the game immensely, I felt obliged to praise its creators 😊

It's more than certain I'll check out Ray's route as soon as it's available 🤩

(2 edits)

Just like one of the people commenting here recently, I created an account to thank the whole team that worked and is still working on improving this awesome game!!!

To be honest, a few weeks ago I didn't even know what the term "otome" meant 😅 I knew a thing or two about visual novels and decided to try a few romance titles. I selected three games, including "Teachers. With Love and Passion". To say that I don't regret this choice is like saying nothing at all. I’m simply in love with your work 💙💙💙

Initially, I played by choosing options randomly, according to my own intuition. I enjoyed the common route very much and was sad that it ended so quickly 😄 Then I decided to explore Hanson's route according to the guide and well... I was so positively surprised! I expected just a few extra scenes after the sporting event but it turned out that the story is much longer and intriguing 🤩 I’ve totally fallen for both Hanson and Ray <3 Can’t wait to play the latter’s route (btw, do you plan to release the update on Valentine’s Day or some other date is considered 😉?). Generally I’m a huge age gap trope fan and am so happy you created significantly older LIs for the MC 🥰

Edgar is also very cool. Such a cute and funny guy. Need to play his route soon as well 😎 But Eric Quin… oh my god, he’s such a creep 😨 I’d rather face Mr. Hanson on his bad day than deal with that boy xD

You guys have also made an excellent choice of music pieces! They perfectly stimulated the right feelings during each of the scenes: joy, amusement, fear and excitement. My personal favourite is "Nova Serenade" by John Bartmann. My heart literally melt when first heard it while meeting the hot doctor 💖😋

To sum up, your game is absolutely great. Lots of love from the Polish fan 💚💚💚😘

P.S. I’m terrible at technical stuff and my question may sound dumb but here it is – will I have to download the file again when there is an update, or will the game automatically update itself?


I’ve just finished Edgar’s route (good ending). Wow, it was such a well-written and touching story!!! I should've expected that developing a relationship with Edgar wouldn't be so easy. He seemed too cheerful and flirty - there must've been something behind it. I felt terribly sorry for him 😢 Now I'm afraid of two things - playing Edgar's route with a bad ending (💔) and that it may be the same with Ray. Like Edgar, he too was very open and playful. I don't know if I'm ready for another sad story, but I believe it will be just as engaging 💗💗💗😅 Seriously, exploring those guys' stories and secrets is amazing 🤩