Hello! First, let me tell you that I appreciate you looking at my devlog. As for the current state of them, I was updating monthly on itch according to what was happening on my Patreon, so please do not take it as the final word for the project. Because I paused Patreon to focus on the game, the updates on have itch paused as well. I am more "active" on my tumblr if you would like to ensure that I and the project are alive, though!
Naughty Cupid
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This was so incredibly thought out and I truly appreciate your feedback! I would be more than happy to add you as a tester. If you could DM me on https://www.tumblr.com/blog/bacchanal-if or send an email to naughtycupidgames@gmail.com I can get you set up on the Discord channel. This is my first time writing anything, so any help is wonderful. It is only important to keep to an 18th century writing style! I'm so glad that the elements you described were introduced in a way that flowed. I worried about keeping the magic system relevent because unless you choose them for a hobby/particular story options, it really isn't that important in the world, but it does exist.
I am so sorry that your father was actually like this. I did not have a James in my life, but there were, unfortunately, some similarities I could pull from. I do hope that his character hasn't triggered any bad memories, or if it has, that playing as the MC and eventually triumphing will help with them. Francis truly is a treasure!
Thank you so much for your support, and my apologies for responding so late! You are right in that it is similar to red flags irl. To quote from my FAQ on tumblr:
In short, I would not consider the relationships you can have with them to be healthy in the real world, but acceptable to explore in fiction.
Hello! Thank you so much for your support and enjoyment of the story! Only Chapter 1 is available in the demo so far. As soon as I've finished and tested Chapter 2 I will update the demo, and once I get to the spicy scenes I will start to make the updates for pre-orders only 💜 I'm so very happy with how much people enjoy the characters, and I believe it is due to all the asks I have answered on tumblr as well as the snippets I've provided on Discord.
Hello! I have the answer for you here, copied from the devblog:
Will the characters being gender selectable make it easier to figure out who they are?
You can only romance one gender in each playthrough. Choosing Edith will make all the ROs female, and choosing Edward will make them all male.
It is unfortunate, but I had to do it this way to preserve the mystery. I’m sorry, fellow pan/bi people. There are always multiple playthroughs!