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A member registered Jan 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello knubbilito,

I liked your game, and I feel that you could add sound, ie. gunshots, walking. Also I noticed as I walked southward it seemed as though I was not moving. I also noticed that as you fire towards the building you bullets pile up.

Hello, this is the game I have been working for in the past week.

Game/url: KALT

Information: A platformer where you leave your cave in search of firewood. controls are A - left D - right SPACE and W - jump

I'D like feedback on: The controls, I feel as if sometimes when I press space it does not work, I hope it is just my keyboard. And I would like to know if their are any bugs to be noted.

Day five:  I have implemented a background by creating a gradient of color, which is then repeated using the parallax background node I also decided to replace the player sprite placeholder with a snowman, which is flipped horizontally when pressing right or left.

Day 4: I have implemented loading levels and suspending player input. I have also implemented a rudimentary main menu and restructured my files ie. put levels and and related scripts in a folder rather than in the root directory.

No particular reason, just bad coding. I also discovered if you add gravity to y velocity after setting y velocity to zero when on the floor the player will slide down a slope.

So far I implemented movement gravity and jump, I also made some basic assets of snow, however the player character is still a placeholder,

also in the way I coded player movement when both left and right are pressed the player goes right rather than stay still

Hello, This is my first game and first jam. 

I will be making a platformer in Godot, wherein after your campfire burns out you search for wood and leave the cave.