I am happy we both achieved our goals 😃
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This game looks really polished, authentic and fun to play once you realise what you should do. The conception of reading posts as a moderator and deciding whether to allow or to block may sound boring, but you guys made it work! Another thing that pleased me - the end of the game where I witnessed consequences of my actions in the form of a story. Overall, it's a well-made, complete and cute little game, ideal for a jam. I am an idiot ahahahuahahahahah!
P.S. In case you're going to continue working on it, please improve minesweeper. In the classic version, there's a shortcut when you press both RMB and LMB on a cell with a number. This action reveals all the cells around it (in case you flagged given amount of bombs) and saves so much time.
Thanks for giving it a try! Certainly, the game might be challenging, but don't let poor balance stress you out. It was made for GGJ 2025 (the theme was "BUBBLE"), and we didn't have much time for tweaking game parameters. Maybe further balance updates will make the experience more satisfying to you.
Keep rocking Vinomakon :)
This game is quite good. Graphics are simple and don't hurt the eyes. Animation really brings this character to life. Sounds are pretty neat. The gameplay reminds me of a Cat Mario. The only thing that was freaking me out during the play is that annoying girl that was telling me how useless i am. 10/10 best insulting simulator)