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A member registered 58 days ago · View creator page →

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Love this!

Fun game!

Thank you!

Glad you’ve enjoyed it.

Oh man I feel so stupid that I did not figure out that slots are clickable despite the fact that you layed out this clearly in the description. I liked the game though!

Some ideas:

- drag and drop for functions could probably be easier to use;

- after failing level all functions are reset, this becomes very tedious in case I just failed mechanical inputs, but the setup was correct;

- changing cables requires way to narrow precision click, you can probably make this zone bigger (probably even make the whole cable clickable).

Also you can get stuck here:

I liked it! Good job. The only criticism is that nudging the tower feels way too hard, you can crush everything just by moving something a bit (feels especially rough when you move something from top).

I had a lot of one with this one. Have to agree about sound design - dialing the knobs felt awesome!

Very fun and simplistic concept, like it.

This is really cool. Voice over, music and visuals are outstanding.

Though I was not able to figure out second puzzle on the gravity stage :( Blue boxes just won't flip. And once two levels spawned on top of each other (also on gravity stage).

I've pushed an update that should help with performance on laptops.

Thank you!

Would look forward to new sets! :)

This is the game. I am a complete newbie, but I am really glad of what came out of it so far.

(3 edits)

Hey, thank you for playing. I am sorry to hear that.

If you got stuck right besides the room with the Drone - you can just walk to the right side. If you mean big section of water where the right side is missing wall - this is one of the tougher puzzles. But you can skip it too by getting up and climbing the wall on the right side using drone. Attach it, jump on it and then you can wall climb by jumping and double clicking the drone button. I didn't want to make a tutorial for this bit so that players can get "a-ha' moment, but maybe I should reconsider.

I will look into optimization in nearest future so that it would be less demanding on the PC.

Sam, I wanted to say thank for such an awesome pack. I've used base and bioms assets in my project and loved every second of it.

The amount of different styles you can go for with this tileset is insane.

Thank you BrainzPlayz!

I've used this pack in my game The Last Drone.

Thank you Gabo!

I've remade the Hobbit for my game The Last Drone.


Great concept, was fun to play!