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A member registered Jan 07, 2022

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Great work, particularly love the details you've added in the flyers!

Not a horrible idea for the visual. Do wish I had the skillset though to be able to provide broader benefits similar to those of the real world (less erosion, possible reduction of weeds, etc.). 

Looks good, anxious to see when I get home how well it works!
Hard to tell from the pictures, were you able to insert a new stubble texture that better shows the stripper remains vice the traditional header stubble? Any yield advantage or post harvest advantage? Were you able to block the straw output?

Sorry to comment on a different mod, not sure how else to reach out. I got a notification of a new map (Madison Country Iowa) from Itch but it doesn't appear on your page nor via the link Itch sent. Everything ok?

Looks great, if the rest of the map has as much detail as those culverts have it's going to be amazing! 

The updates are growing near incapacitating. I get the notification and it doesn't say released, I flip through the pictures (drooling no less than before) and suddenly an hour has passed and I'm still not playing it....

In all seriousness, take your time, anxious though ;)