okay i actually LOVE what this is shaping out to be, the athmosphere is really interesting, getting to know the lore and story of the world in disjointed pieces and trying to put them together... all of it was rly rly interesting! waiting for more!
Recent community posts
randomly saw your comment and thought i'd answer. i would imagine corresponding to the theme of the game as i understood it it's getting forever lost and dissolving your identity in the labyrinth of the thoughts about the past life you've had and never getting out. becoming one with the lost innocence of a happy childhood like, perhaps, many people before (nika states she has a large family that lives in this ephemeral world lera finds herself in). the way that is achieved in reality could be taking ur own life, or perhaps, like lera wanted to do at the beginning of the game, just driving forever wherever until her car runs out of gas and she succumbs to the cold.
i genuinely keep returning to this bc it's so fun!! i think this is a gem in a way, there's something fun about both the three-lane combat and it being pve (although im not that familiar with autobattlers so i can't say if it's been done before) that allows for so many cool combos, and trial and error doesn't feel frustrating since it's both pve and it does not take a while to return to your previous powerlevel once you've lost
i think as a full game with more levels (and maybe pvp? idk though i love the pve just fine) this would be even more fire than it is now (but ofc this is just my opinion and im not demanding anything from the dev haha)
You have created something more than just a game.
This experience has pierced me to my core. Myself being from the country which this game takes place in (i assume), I have also reminisced numerous times about the past, thinking about how nice and simple it was, feeling protected, content, warm... The story, characters, the environments and the items have reminded me of many things I remember from my own childhood and reflect on my own life, from way back and now. Lera being unable to accept the present, wanting to perish, lost in a physical manifestation of her own happy memories really reminded me of myself at times. Either way, I've had experienced so much just playing through this, so thank you for that.
The game really portrays and desribes the environments and experiences of what once was the countries of the Soviet Union, which makes me wonder, how were you able to recreate it so well? Are you Russian yourself or have you had help? Either way, it's just wonderful.