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A member registered Aug 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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I love their designs sm holy shit, thx for giving monster lover game more here. It's not enough in this website. I need MOAR.

Everyone is so fine, like...Eleanor. Mommi ///. Uzzi is surprisingly sweet, too! and Moti's smile at the end-

Pls pls If u plan to make more stories of them, I'm willing to wait for it forever!!!

เกมดีมากๆเลยค่ะ ลุงๆนุ่มฟูมาก( -///-) เขินไม่ไหวเลือกรูทไม่ถูกเลยแจ่มทุกคน //แต่ขอถามหน่อยค่ะเกมมี8จบใช่มั้ยคะ?

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OMG I'm already mad in love with him and even more in the sequel, I love him sm that it's hurt I'm gonna let my inner wolf going out WoofwoofbarkbarkAwOoooaWoooOoo😭💖💖💖💞💞

You're so good TY my favourite dev😔👉👈 I like how we can see more dynamic between Sue & Chiyako here. In the first one, I feel like we are just clueless as Chiyako about her relationship with Sue, like we knew she had a crush with him but 'how' or 'what way' he love her? Now, it's just more clearly how Sue see Chiyako. I mean she is really interesting & 0%dangerous XD, no wonder this playboy took most interest to her among all women he has been with.

Also the honest feeling of Sane to Chiyako- He- I- 😭💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞

Okok *phew* I like how each route like pararell to each other. Like in Sue's route, he pretended to sleep so he can catch Chiyako and also being assertive asking for physical touch from her.

While in Sane's route, he was the one who got caught when she faked her sleep(?) and also being passive wanting to touch Chiyako but only be the one who get touch by her XD. That's rly good detail and great dynamic between each route👌👌👌

I can't wait for the full version, damnnnnnn😔 there will be the childhood friend who could possibly be better at yandare than Chiyako right?👀












Raku: You can't change canon event, Nelli---

Sorry for that lol, but the sudden change of atmosphere when he tried to blackmail investigate her, literally gave me chill👌 Where can I find men who support girl's hobbies this much like him, damnnnnn poor girl but I like this dynamic😔

Awwww man😔 I mean bro had already grope our mc's boobs while she was sleeping, maybe we can get a chance lol

He seem to be good wingman tho since he sell out Hades so much to mc, but 'identical twin' u said?👀👀👀 now I can't wait for Thanatos hehehe

(1 edit)

DUDE I love ur art stye, color palette, and characters' outfit design. Everything here ate I cant even know how to explain AAAaaaaaaaaa!!!!!😭💖💕💕💕

I had my eyes on this game once I saw it on otome feed and planned to give u a comment asap I've finished it. The idea of  greek mythology baesd-game is already taken me as my bias, but I didn't expect to see the hidden mystery there and I rly love it! Srly I love all character design in this game, all of them are pretty and have fun personality. I can't even choose, I thirst for all of them lol ( actually it is Hypnos, damn he is so fine, he will be dateable in future right?👀👀👀👀)

This is so Perfect HOLY SHIT!!!!

I love everything here, the chill vibe, the calm yet heart-warming atmosphere. It's so doki doki, I fell in love with ur game so hard <3<3<3

My thought for each route:

- Sue is so dangerous, don't know if it is in a good way or bad way, but u rly depicted his womanizer behavior well, like he is not cheesy at all and also smooth more than a whole butter factory.

- Sane, I NEED SANE, I'M INSANE BECAUSE THERE IS NO SANE IN MY LIFE--- (srly...I want him so...so bad...)(T0T)

- Mutsu is... he made me smile the most like his chemistry with Chiyako is so goddamn *chef kiss*

Pls I simp for ur game so much, I'm helpless now...

The best travel promo ads of NYC ever.

I still remembered playing the first EatYourHeart game, and Louie still be the one I'm struggled with collecting all his endings OTL (I managed to find out all of them btw)


From my memory, I'm so afraid of Louie more than Allar in the first game because of his attitude after capturing Player. He seems to be so judgemental back then, and now he is a way more cool & chill guy. This makes him become my most favorite LI now, I mean his character gets more depth,  and there is some hint of his background, such as the picture of the girl in his bedroom. It reminds me that she could be the girl he had mentioned in the first game, and the incident of her must cause his behavior to be unhingedly protective? I like how we can see him more than an obsessive Yandere boy.

Moreover, His normal or Platonic end is so cute and calm. I didn't expect to see this at all because I got paranoid all the time while playing his route LOL

[End Spoiler]

Thank you so much for this second of your game series. Idk how to describe my feeling, but this will be one of my favorite yan boy's games. I really like it when we can see more sides of Yan characters besides their violent action.

I really love how much this game got huge reference from Tokimeki Memorial !!!😭💕💖(My fav is 3rd story btw)

It's been so long to play parameter simulation gameplay in Otome (I rly don't know how to call this game system in Eng, sorry if it sound weird😔...) Thank you for giving us to play awesome game like this again!

I have collected all CG and BG but still couldn't manage to find three endings, I think it's the endings about those three men. How I supposed to do?🥲

Btw, I really like the dark theme of this game and how ominous MC is XD, it serve them right for being greedy.


Lucas is too good to be even in Fictional form T///T and everything here so matches his vibe too, the music, the art, the mood, and the tone.

Now I'm so eagerly looking forward to your future work ( 0w0) best relaxing otome ever!!!

(4 edits)

Damn, Everything escalated so quickly











Hell yeah, Redflag walking mc is what I need in my entire life<3<3<3

But seriously I thought we're gonna be fucked up if we chose to not dissect any of them, and it would be us to be harvested instead. Look like our Maskman is really bias for his favor,huh? :-)

I haven't played fluff and slow-burn dating game for a loooong time. This is really a game for winter vibe with warm mood for sure!!!

I hope all your problems gone soon, choose yourself first is really a right choice! I'm also on Autism spectrum so I kinda understand how it was impact life & motivation to do stuff, so please take care of yourself well. It's okay to stop working and rest as long as you need.

Wish your family and you a better life! Thank you for telling this information to us. If you're not happy to do it, then it's no point to give us happiness too.

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Awwww I'm the one who got the honor that the devs reply me themselves ( UwU///),  No worry I love reading long comments because I love communicating with passionate creators!!!

Deepest lore??? maybe a little bit of Fl's mother's Bs, not the whole story, just how she impacts Fl because the mother seems to be the only one in the family who is nice to her weakest daughter

or maybe how Rumplebishie(lol) became loner before meeting miller's daughter. You don't have to think too much about my idea tho, since I just wanna discuss and share an idea. The story of this game is already perfect by itself, so I really don't know what your game needs more. It looks like I'm gonna be happy with whatever you guys give us, player. (hehe)

Anyway,...if I didn't ask too much, maybe a short after-story when we got the happy ending like an end credit, or maybe just a CG. (You don't need to feel responsible to do this tho, it's just an idea.)

Also, I forget to mention how good these VAs are, they are really great at making characters' impressions and making them so lively!


Since I knew the exact period of how each act was gonna be released, I'm so hyped now!!! Thank you for this information, it's really helpful for my saving plan, can't wait to dig up the mystery of my favorite boy (*w*)

Hey, I have played this game since the old version of the demo, and really love your art style and character design! It's so funky and the mc is so...YASS

I wanna know how many acts will this game get? because I saw there was ACT1 released, but I hate hung-up stories so I can save up my money to buy all acts when it's completely released!

PS, I rly like the design of Bandit guy...He's so hot even tho he's not available lmao. Btw, Ace is the most charming among the love interests for me, the hot mysterious emo one always got me. 

The concept of Rumpel's character and the story is really great !!! (His design is also so fine <3<3<3)  You guys really did a great job at describing how dubious he is at first and then bit by bit showing his emotional part. I mean there is more than a trickster in him, hehehe.

Also MC is really well written too, her tragic life was well depicted even without visuals (Girl never got her rest T_T). Her chemistry with Rumpel is so good, they really match their attitude, like she becomes more lively because of him and we can obviously see it. 

I'm sure really love this alternate story of Rumpel. What plan do you guys have, to update this game by the way? because I see it is still in development and I'm also keen to replay this game to dig up more stories (^_^)

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Finally a Monster Dating Sim!!!!!

I'm gonna edit this comment after finish the gameplay, just wanna share my enthusiasm about this genre of the game first <3<3<3

EDIT: Already finished all routes! This VN really good job at telling us the lores of each routes with the plot of their backstory and the executioner's underworld in just a briefing time, and it still well engaging which made me un-satisfied for digging up for more stories. I mean the Chrys guy is really mystery, he seems sus but damn... He is hot🥵

And I kinda like his dynamic between MC. ( this dude definitely engaged with her bros' death and did I care????)

If you guys had any plan to tell us more story of Spiderlily, nomatter it was VN, Illust arts or whatever format. I'm in!!! 

Let's GoooooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

(2 edits)

I came to replay this game again because it somehow belongs to some special part of my heart, by its coziness and weeaboo stuff. 

I gotta say even though I knew it was shelved, I still hope one day this game will be continued. All characters are likable which I wished them to be in real life, especially Henry and Emmet. I really like seeing their chemistry between Sebby, she is an awkward but fun person at the same time. I mean she is really full of personality. What I wanna say is I rly love all of this. I actually have so many love confession words to this game, but I can't describe it, so thank you for making this game!

And your mini fandisc is so cute, thank you again. It's really like a long time no see penpal!

 Wish you guys doing well with any work you love and stay happy!!!

If I can't find relationship like this, I NEVER

I knew myself this game's gonna more of friendism, than romanticism, but man.....

[spolier below]

THE ENDING IS NOT SATISFIED AT ALL !!!! in a good way. I rly need a sequel, pls. Our MC and Twyla's relationship is so interesting, and I want to dig more into it, no matter it was romance or not. They're just so thrilling  OTL

and srly, I've come for Theo, my boy. Even though I knew he is not the one for MC.

My final thought, I rly love MC's mom, wished to see her more ;_; MC's specie made themselves can't express normal love, and all they can do just seeing their mom become depressed...


This game is so awesome for a free indie game!

I really love the Protagonist's customization and the Unlocked outfit after finished each route system, and also how the villain interacted differently with protag in each route, like not just repeated skip-able story. It really worth replayed😔

I'm already finished Janus & Slayton's. Now in progress of Fred, but his story is kinda hard to continue because Lo is such sweetheart😢 which it made this so awkward. (The intention's literally on point tho. You romance your taken-ex, dude. That's what you got😔)

P.S. It's a shame, I can't romance Martin🥲 Grumpy one always took my heart (the same as Will do to me) but He is so cute with Jetta😭

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I'm really glad this game is finished!

The thing that attracted my attention at first sight, is the art style. It's very unique and got its own aesthetic, then the theme about each Love interest from each dimension. SUCH A GREAT CONCEPT

I kind of think that the way MC and LIs bonding is a little bit too rushed. In my opinion, they didn't interact with each other that much or not having heart to heart moments enough to convince how can they trust each other. Maybe inserting more conversations or the situation that made them see each other's charming point in your future works.

Btw, if you have planned to make more VNs, I'm really joyful looking forward to it. Your novel literally hit my appetite points!

Aww, thank you for answering my question! Actually, I have to say sorry about how I stated my question ambiguously. I knew that Joseph is the cause of the Apocalypse, but what I wanna ask is how they keep relationship after Apocalypse like are they still together or something?

Btw, if it means the spoiler of your next project, please nevermind to ignore the question (x_x; )

(4 edits)

You must be tired of reading this but.....YEAH, I was your another Otome flash game's fan(._. ), and after I saw this 'your another game' in Itch.io, I click the following button asap as I saw the name Amiralo on it.

Anyway, about this game... made me realize you never fail to achieve the best of Horror otome game Creator. Through your works from Saccharine and Reverie, you really improve your writing and give more dimension to your characters. I mean both main characters' backstory is really convinced the reader of how they shaped their personality and how they feel familiar with real people.

Spoiler's part






I do share the same conflict thought with Camille, like how we really should not love Serial killer but at the same time, we have the soft spot for Osgoode because he has no choice but to kill people for the sake of survival even though he doesn't want to, and still he is the abuser who imprisoned Camille. It's really hard to hate him and to love him(but I really love him with shame...), and even the development of their relationship is interesting, no matter how toxic it is. You're seriously doing a great job at all of this (ToT)

More things, this personality of the Female lead is really fresh. She has flaws and a selfish side as an ordinary human being, the best girl who deserves anything she wants because she really gives all of her guts to get it. There are many things I want to talk about ITYH, but my lack of ability to use words pains me (;w;) so all I want to say is I love every character of yours, how their personality is shaped by their backstory, and how the concept of falling in love in the wrong place wrong time.

For the final, I have some questions.

Did Ivy survive in Ending 9? and how did she manage..., you know? to sort things out with Joseph after Apocalypse? I'm really interested in their relationship if it is just a small mention I'm still glad to know their update.

and yeah, final for the FINAL, Ending 9 really makes me hang on the cliff. I need to know what's gonna happen right now as soon as I slept and open my eyes in the next morning!!! btw, adult Osgoode's smile is worth for Apocalypse.

I can't pass the day2, it just stuck at the classroom scene. After protanist said, they will find the prankster or poke around the school.

Is there anything I should do or click anywhere at that scene?

(5 edits)

This game is so HOT DAMN DOPE!!! that made me warp from night to daylight because of being unstoppable to play it ;_; so I must leave bullet points of my love confession here v////v

- Cool gameplay, it seems inspired by MysticMessenger but it has its own aesthetic that I've never seen in PC Otome gameplay ever.

- All VA make all love interests x99999attractive and easily to simp even though the art is already gorgeous at my first sight

- I wanna adopt all characters TOT (EXCEPT THAT ONE THOT WHO HURT OUR MC ]-: ), Salo the great & cool grandpa everyone should have, and then xyx yeah LOL, why not ;)

- The discord server we all need, really want them as our real-life friend ;w;

- QUEST my most fav daddy and puppy at the same time, Nightowl my precious boii who we need to give a big support and attention, Toasty my cutie adorable awkward bean, and must-be-protect MC. They all deserve the love from each other even the *Spoiler-Censor Activated* BB. yeahhh

Btw, you guys developer and crew are awesome, looking forward to support you all in the future!!!





THAT ??? Epilogue is so questionable, I doubt that would be our Big Enormous cO*k user XD, right? how did he end up w/ mc(?) because they said they've met by the Bloomic discord. I could be wrong though.

Thank you so much for your effort !!!, finally, I can see how cute Hiroki is. He is such a dork, never knew the hide place option will affect the route. It's so tricky as you said XD

Awww, Thank you!!! I'm really looking forward to it, I eagerly wanna know all achievement.

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Will there possibly be a walkthrough for all endings? I really wanna know how to romance Hiroko, because without romancing Kanzan I've always ended up as a non-lover escaping route or other yan boys' route.

By the way, your game is awesome!!! No matter how hot they are, you manage to make them freak me out. It's good to have a game that's un-redeemable or an unhealthy relationship.

The story is so Mystery and the Gothic in Modern time Theme is very attracted me!!! those voice acting are amazing too! I'm so hype to see the full game, you guys are really great doing this!!!

The game really describe well how unsecure the MC feel to the Manor which make me doesn't feel safe as same as the MC do, and every characters there so interesting! I really want to know them moreee

Wish this game to be more acknowledge because it is so cool !, I have donated in the Kickstarter already, hope it to be available soon ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ!

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My heart is still not done with this game ;_;

I don't mind with open ending but still want to dig more story of RHR, there are too many mysteries I want to find out. Will there be prequel or any extra to reaveal the hidden story? like the Witch, the Maiden, the Magpie, the family of Jay (He is my fav, I do love Wren too, but Jay is just...too special for me)

By the way, I really appreciated that the ending is like the starting point of their adventure, they really deserve to be together UwU , your game is such a gem, it's really like an intro of some supernatural series and I WANT TO SEE MORE.

P.S. The extra arts are so..., thank you for adding them, but you know... you make it harder to say good bye to them ;w;

P.S.2 Robin is definitely the TOP here ( ͡° ͜    ʖ    ͡°)

(2 edits)

Oh my god, the DEMO is far too great to be just a demo. The art is really gorgeous and the interaction between each characters is so adorable!!! Everything in your game is so interesting, can't wait to see the final already!

P.S. About the final game, will all instrumen be available for love-interest route ? Can we flirt them while we match them with their musician ?

**P.S.2 Never mind, I have already read your info at the game page's tumblr, Cool concept! Can't wait to be a wingmanᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ!!  But we can still romance with our Piano-man, right? RIGHT? **

Thank you so much !!!, I got the bad and the fail ending of him. I didn't think it would be the best the ending for this game hahah, thank you again for your effort to make the walkthrough !

I can't find Louie third's ending, could you pls give me a hint T_T

So will there be Tailor Tales Plus to buy because I afraid that I wouldn't be able to afford Patreon every month (and I never registered Patreon too), but I really willing to buy the game !