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Matthew Bloom

A member registered Jan 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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I like the way that the game crashes when the monster wins––I also like that said victory is literally inevitable. Not enough games do that.

With this, I've now learned what a Nonogram is. This game is fun and a good challenge––very well constructed. 

Reminds me of that one Slenderman game. I'm very impressed that you put this together in Unreal Engine in the span of just a week. Great work!

I love the dichotomy of the realistic audio with the stylized, two-color visuals. The inclusion of the Elevator Frog (frogavator?) caught me off guard.

I still don't know how you keep putting out quality 3D products week by week. This is amazing!

I love the artstyle and the controls are functional. My only complaint is that the hitboxes for some of the enemies feels a little weird. I kept getting hit when I didn't feel as if I had even come close to them. Otherwise, stunning product.

I love the visual effects on this. It must have taken a long time to design from an aesthetic standpoint.

An accurate portrayal of the retail worker experience. Nice work!

I'm a sucker for simple color palettes like this, so my opinion is absolutely biased, but this game looks incredible and the gameplay feels solid. Well done!

I'm truly amazed. You managed to put this all together in, what, a week? Yet it looks like something I'd see YouTubers screaming at 3am over.

The game is cool, the music is good, and I even learned a bit of Swedish. Solid 10/10.

I love the idea of everything in the game bouncing to the beat of the music. It's an interesting spin on the rhythm game genre.

Fun and challenging. The physics and controls are tight and make the game tough, but fair.

Your game has this distinct vibe to it that I really enjoy. It feels very "alive."

This game kind of reminds me of those old toys where you have to get the ball to a certain point by tilting the toy itself in various directions. As it is, I think having more balls to get to the end would be nice and add some extra challenge (not that Grampy needs more of that in his life).

I love this game's aesthetic––very Matrix-y. The inclusion of that little reassuring voice is a nice touch, too.

I like the idea of the game eventually becoming unwinnable. It comes across as a metaphor for the slippery slope that our planet has found itself on with regard to climate change and the pollution of the oceans. (That may or may not have been your intent, but it's a good thing regardless.)

I am reminded of games like Faith. The use of minimalism and analog effects adds an air of unease that really lends itself to the experience. I only wish there were more sub-games beyond just the two, but what you have is incredible as is.

I feel as if I will spontaneously remember the events of this game again thirty years from now––that is to say, your storytelling is probably going to stick with me. That is a good thing, given that you are trying to send a message of cruelty and inhumanity. The two-tone artstyle is a nice touch; I like how there are only ever two colors on the screen at any given time, except when showing the photos. Speaking of which, I appreciate that you went to the trouble of censoring them.

Overall, excellent work, and I think you split my soul in half.

I wasn't expecting the game to end like that, but given the prompt, I probably should have. As a whole, it's well put together and the visuals are good.