In the training mode you automatically against robomando looks like a skin for commando but there are also some differences does anyone know how to select him
Nehemiah pee a whya
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Just to prove that those characters are in 9.4 why don't you look at the picture for 9.4 that's literally the easiest thing you can do I'm going to hopefully stop replying but I keep finding things wrong with this one message and this isn't 9.5 if you want to prove that there's two things you can do you can realize that this picture is right next to the trailer for 9.4 or you can go back and download 9.4 and to see if this character select for yourself
If you don't know how to add it to steam it's just a little button in the corner on the homepage where you can add literally any game without having to modify anything about it so basically any game can be added to steam I was never saying it was on the store page if that's what you thought I also have no clue why you brought up those two characters to begin with because I never did I'm missing everything that was revealed yesterday for 9.5 it has nothing to do with the two characters you mentioned other than the updates Vegeta got which I also didn't even mention
I downloaded 9.5 and I think it's just 9.4 again there's no new characters there's no new mechanics it's just the same I tried extracting it and not extracting it I tried RAR and zip it does not matter if I put it in Steam it still does not update and it's saying it's 9.5 in the folder can somebody help if this has something to do with what is said in the install instructions it's not requesting access do I need to manually activate that and if so how do I do that