I'm planning to sell a new batch of cartridges and perhaps the ROM, but not in itch.io
I'll post a message when I have more info. Thank you
Does the game have scroll with large maps?.
One way is to clone the map to be able to write on it.
I did it in : https://nekete.itch.io/a-fairy-without-wings
I'm glad you like it. Its great to know how the magic was done n_n
You can see raster effects in GameBoy games. Look at the water effect in Hammerin' Harry Water Level
It is only that in my game is more evident ^_^U
Thanks for the nice words Max.
The effect is a raster one. I am modifying the Y scroll each line using a table with the desired effect Y delta values.
More info about other effects here:
https://rasterscroll.com/mdgraphics/ 👌🏻
It is for MegaDrive, but some of them can be used in other tiled/sprites video game consoles.
He has a good article about SNES development : https://www.patreon.com/posts/article-making-37640075
There is info about other projects/platforms too :)
It could be done using a javascript/webassembly mega drive emulator.
I found this (http://neptunjs.xyz/segaMD.html) but there are others.
I did something similar with my Gameboy game: https://nekete.itch.io/a-fairy-without-wings