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Nemesis N Nio

A member registered Aug 29, 2022

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(2 edits)

Ummm - Could You Fix This the V2.1 has a Bugg on the Date Pick Up Function it dont Work on Me (On My PC)

Game looks Cool - but - As soon as I tried the Game This game Crashed My Computer so Dose it has Specific Graphics Requirements would be Good have on Information if it do Not Specific Graphics Requirements this is a Bugg

(2 edits)

Now it works so it`s Solved - but - Might be good to change the Notice text on the Scene Message - Aswell the Dialogue got can Bugg the Hole game as Well or Don`t Work at All - also - Is Desiree to Change Location or Leave if You Interact whit Her Two times? - and - I`d Love to see Nina to be A Interactable in Next Update _ I Really Love this Game and Girl Characters In It

Hmmm - Have you thougth of put more Player characters as Well?

Hmmm - Why there isnt any other Specied Characters to Choose from that Thougher then Miana so Race that cant get Killed the Dates and Miana is Leathal?

(1 edit)

I like the Visual Update / Upgrade but there`s a Bugg - which - makes the Scenes unworking for some Reason so E Hold to Begin Scene isn´t working Holding E Key to Activate the Scenes needs a Work could you try to Solve / Fix this Please