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A member registered 44 days ago

Recent community posts

I love the visual section of this video game, super beautiful.

Does anyone know of a game/program to read my pdf files with a 3D interface similar to this game?

When I try to restart the game it goes crazy)

The art is beautiful but the game is very buggy and I don't understand what really needs to be done

very fun! I think it would be an excellent game for android

Very challenging and fun, the best two minutes of my life

I loved it, I love these kinds of games and it is a caress to my soul to see one as well made as this one

super cool!, you must be an extremely good programmer to do it from scratch

I feel special, gimme gimme

very good game btw + its very funny


Why did you remove it, I was just playing it almost after you published it and I almost finished it 

this needs more anime girls

I look forward to your next game \(@^0^@)/

beautiful art, good choice of colors, good controls and mechanics and nice story


super entertaining, but it's very difficuuuuuuuuuult

Lovely art and good mechanics. You should make a mobile version and add a reset button

very challenging, good game

good mechanics but a bit slow to recharge