Def glad you aren't dead and/or project isn't abandoned lmao. Enjoyed the new update, the new CGs seem higher quality/better made than before but it might be just my monkey brain.
The new threads and hidden shit is nice and I feel like there's already some stuff you could figure out especially with the spoiler thing but honestly it mostly flew right over my head. Some caveats to think about with the secret stuff - at least for me it kinda feels hard to sometimes tell if something is a shitpost or a secret lmao, but I also dunno how important they will be for figuring shit out or if that's supposed to be part of experience. Sure wish itch had spoiler tags but example on the top of my head is hash comments. Some do seem related to the narrative, but it also looks like only some of them. Phone number thing also prob should get censored unless it actually works, wouldn't be first time people phoned a fake number expecting something.
Completely unrelated to previous things and I'm not a programmer so take it with a grain of salt but wouldnt it be just easier to have one variable that increases with every iteration for Jojo denies rather than making new variable each time?
I did also get an error "While processing text tag {W=0.6} in u'No.{W=0.6} Is Styx another woman?'.: File "game/dinnerfortwo.rpy", line 1743, in script Jojo "No.{W=0.6} Is Styx another woman?" Exception: Unknown text tag u'W=0.6'" If you need the full traceback I've put in the pastebin.
Wish luck with the rest of the dev and hopefully no more accidents :p