Made it to level 2! That's an awesome and fun puzzle game you got here! Let me know once it is available for mobile devices! Cheers!!
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PS. Reading again the comment, I would additionally like to admit that yes, there are some design exaggerations especially in some points where there are drops where you have to avoid spikes you haven't seen yet, I can definitely relate to this and you are right, it is unlikely that the player will make it with the first try. Even if most of the times it is heavily related to the tiny resolution, some specific unnecessary spike points are already in a list and they are subject to fix with a patch for the future.
Again thanks for the feedback and for playing the game!! Cheers! \m/
First of all, we are sorry for your unpleasant experience with these and thanks for the feedback!
a, b, c: All these are naturally happening because of the small screen of the game which is roughly around 72x72 pixels. It is very difficult to avoid this and unfortunately trying to pack everything within prayer's visibility (31 pixels to each direction) most of the times is not possible and will have the opposite results. Also this is one of the reasons the game has infinite tries and instant respawns at the savepoints. The positions of the enemies are not random, they are fixed and they are enabled only when they appear on-screen so the player can memorize them quickly.
d. Thank you for pointing this, this must be fixed.
e. We know this, there is a reason we reduced the collision with the spikes and it is done on purpose because we found out it makes a lot of jumps and maneuvers in the game way more difficult to execute and therefore more frustrating. You can try the mobile application where the spike collisions are left as they were initially,
Again we appreciate your feedback as this is our first game and we will try to improve the player experience for our future games in developlent.
Last but not least: kudos (2) for making it so far into the game!!! \o/ Most people do not.!
Wow you nearly made it. Well, If I understand correctly (because there is a lot of death traps going on there between checkpoint 29 and 30), where the second bird is there is a platform on the top of the room. From this point you need to jump once on the right then let the player fall until you pass 2 raws of spikes on your right. Once you pass them while still falling you need to use your second jump ability (just before you hit the floor of spikes) in order to reach the platform on the right. It is all about using your second jump ability at the right moment. It can be tricky because you have to do it on the first flying bird some seconds ago, but on the first one you need to pass only one spike raw while falling before you use your second jump ability unlike the second time where you need to do it after you pass 2 raws of spikes on your right so the brain can be tricked and act earlier on the second bird jump.
Again I still hope we are talking about the same point of the game and my explanation was not so confusing. I hope it was helpful. And btw you did beat the third boss which supposed to be way harder compared to the second one. Kudos for that!!
Let me know if this was the correct point. You are really near the end, I think it's one more checkpoint and then its the final one before the boss and its true the environment near the endgame is hard.
You understand the game & I am happy for it and since you made it so far you have to beat it! Cheers!!!
First of all thank you for taking the time to go so far in the game. This would the boss of the second area. I am sorry you are struggling with this, it's true it's kind of hard . But If you had to replay the game from the start, you would see you would get there again in almost no time with very few deaths. what i want to say is that once you pass a territory or find the solution to a problem you see it was not so hard it just needed a pattern or a specific way. It applies also with this boss. His health is 20 hits and the trick is to circle through the small platforms and the floor. It will end pretty fast when it happens. I hope you will not give up, you are literally halfway there! Cheers!
Sam, the complete game is up there
I encourage you to install and try it a bit as it is your game too. Again, thank you a lot for your art and be sure, there will be more games that include your graphics. <3 Cheers!!