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A member registered Feb 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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Pretty good game, one recommendation though is to make the background darker so the game is much easier to read. while playing i was having trouble getting around because i kept falling through things i thought i could stand out, however besides that, this game is great, especially for scratch!

This game is really great! So much replay-ability, really addicting, fits the theme really well! I really think this could become an amazing game if you were to update it after the jam!

This game is really good and polished, however, i don’t see how it would be able to fit in with the game. again though, it’s really good though!

while all of the other games are good, this one actually has a ton of replayability

This is actually really cool! I could see a pretty good game made from this. The way the bird moves is just so satisfying for some reason, seeing just lose it’s mind when turning rapidly really makes me laugh sometimes!

While I agree to all of these changes, this game was made for a 24 hour challenge, you can check it out on shawcat’s youtube

This is an amazing project! I love the art style, the backgrounds, everything about this game is just relaxing and cool!

Good game, I had fun just working. The bathroom was nice to use. Totally...